Fast C# by Windows Forms to Create Pro Windows Apps

Easily and deeply learn the C# by Creating Apps for Windows – Beginners to advance topics

What you will learn

3 Courses in One + 30 Hours – Learn with Projects , Beginners, Interm and Advance

Build 3 pro apps: Calculator , Phone Book and Diary application

Easily learn the basics of C# to advance topics by Windows form method

Learn: Variables,Controls, Debug, Events

Using Files, Folders and text files

Working with resources and settings

Windows clipboard – RTF files

Date and time – Calendar


Hi There!

With my 20 years programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn using C# to create C# Apps for windows!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create Windows App in C# in simplest way!

Subscribe to latest coupons on our Telegram channel.

I started from beginning and show you how to :

  • 3 Courses in One + 30 Hours + 3 live Projects
  • Create Windows Apps by C#
  • Basics of C# like: variables
  • for loop structure
  • If statement
  • Controls and events
  • Resources in C#
  • Working with files and folders
  • Using text file to save data
  • Debugging the codes
  • Create calculator application
  • Design Phone Book application
  • Build Diary application for windows
  • Creating MDI and ADI projects
  • Controls like : Button, TextBox, CheckBox, ComboBox and ListBox
  • Create digital clock
  • Working with date and time
  • Create a calendar
  • Working with RTF files
  • Save and load data in RTF format
  • Advance using of combobox
  • Working with images
  • Dialogs in C#:
  • Working with logical operators
  • Creating method and class in C#
  • Using Clipboard of Windows to save and load data
  • and…

Don’t hesitate to start learning C#!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Let’s go !!!




Course introduction

Installing visual studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 requirements
How to Install Visual Studio 2017?

Start using C#

Overview of First C# Project in Windows Forms
My First C# App in Visual Studio & Windows forms
Properties window in Visual Studio
Toolbox window, adding controls to form
Project files of C#

Start using form

Section intro to Properties of C# Form and Controls
Common properties of C# form
Advance properties of C# form
Common properties of Controls

Start using label and textbox

Section intro to TextBox & Label Control
Label control and it’s properties and usage
TextBox control and it’s usage
Final Project: Design Backup Form with Label, TextBox….

Using common controls

Section intro to properties of controls
ComoBox & ListBox control and it’s usage
CheckBox control and it’s usage
Radio control and it’s properties
ProgressBar control and it’s properties
PictureBox control and it’s properties
Numeric UpDown control and it’s usage
TrackBar control and it’s properties

Grouping controls

Section intro to Grouping Controls and Usage
GroupBox control and it’s properties
Panel control and it’s properties and usage
TabCntrol control and it’s properties
TabOntrol & TabPage and customizing it
Final Project: Create Setting Form with controls

Toolstrip and Menustrip

Section intro to Toolstrip and Menustrip
Toolstrip control and it’s properties
Advance properties of Toolstrip control
Create custom akin for Toolstip control
Add menu to our form by using MenuStrip

Start coding with C#

Section intro to start coding with C#
Write you first code in C#
Using build and rebuild projectUsing build and rebuild project
Error Window and it’s usage
Whatis C# keywords?
Change the color of controls by C# code!
Comment the code in CH and it’s usage
How to use “This” in C#
Change the Text of controls in C#
Enable / Disable Controls in C# Code

Date Time and Clock

Section intro to Date Time and Clock
Date Time and “Now” & I°s usage
Timer Control and its properies & usage
Final Project: Creato a great digital clock

Messagebox and Image

Section intro to show a Messagebox
Show MessageBox to user
Load image in Picturebox with C#

Inheritance and Backup

Inheritance and it’s usage
Create backup of your C# projects

Variables in C#

Section intro to variables in C#
What’s Variable and String Variable?
Int32 Variable
TryParse method to convert variables
IntsA Variable
Float Variable
Double Variable
Decimal Variable
Boolean Variable
Scope of Variables

Practical C# Code

Section intro to: Practical C# Code
Run an application like paint, Calculator…
Using Variable to run an application in C#
Add “Exit Button” to your project with C#

If Statement and For Loop Structure

Section intro to If Statement and For Loop Structure
Create a Project to calculate user age by…
What is “If Statement*?
Using “IF” in a project
Using Multi “IF” in a project

For Loop Structure

What’s “For Loop” Structure?
Project: Use “For Loop ” to show many messages
Project: “For Loop” to add ComboBox items

Switch Case

Switch Case”, Add a project with many “IF”
Using “Switch Case” with int32 Input Value
Using “Switch Case” with String Input

Operators in C#

Section intro to Operators in CH
Main operators in C# (-, +,*, /)
Greater than and Smaller than operators in C#(<=, >=)


Section intro to Dialogs
Color Dialog
Folder Browser Dialog
Font Dialog
Open File Dialog
How to set filter to Open File Dialog?
Save FIle Dialog


Calculator intro
Design Ui
C# code for numbers
C# code for operators
C# code for result
Finalize calculator

Events in C#

Section intro to Events of Controls in C#
What is Event in C#?
Form Events
How to solve deleted events error!
How to use KeyDown event of a Form to add shortkey?
Button Events
CheckBox Events
TextBox Events
ComboBox Events
ListBox Events

Advance ComboBox

Section intro: Advance ComboBox
Adding items to ComboBox
Deleting ComboBox items
Items count
Searching items

Using files

Section intro: Using files
Copy file by C# code
Copy file by Openfiledialog
Move file by Openfiledialog
Delete file by Openfiledialog
File exist checker
Moving file

Using text file

Intro: Using text files
What is text file?
Saving data in text file
Reading text file
Project: Introduction Info saver
Project: Saving info in text file
Project: Loading info from text file

Working with folders

Section intro to I0.Directory Class
What is IO.Directory Class?
Create a folder in C# code
Delete a folder in C# code
Check the existence of a folder
Move a folder in C# code

MDI and SDI Projects

Section intro to MDI and SDI Projects
What are the MDI and SD projects?
Add new form to project
Change startup form of project
Change application icon in project
Change application “Version Information”
Show new forms to user
Show a form as Dialog in MDI project
Change a project to MDI and show new forms inside it
Change child form properties from parent form
Change properties of control in child form within parent form
Add form inside folder and call it

Phone book project

Section intro to Phone Book Project
Design main form of Phone Book
Add 3 children forms to Phone Book project
Show children forms via main form
Design data registration form
Write code to “New ‘ and “Save” buttons
Write the code to clear the text of all user info TextBoxes
Write the code to save information of new user in text file
Add guard to deny saving user data with empty id
Design search user Form
Write code to search users by id
Design About Us form
Add shortcut keys to buttons on main form toolstrip
Finalize an publish Phone Book Application
Tab order of controls
Layers of controls on the form
Group alignment of controls

Bug and Debug in C#

Intro : Bug and Debug in C#
What are Bug and Debug?
Line number in o# code editor
Snippetin C# code
“Try Structure” and it’s usage to protect C# codes
Breakpoints and debugging C# code

Using media player

Intro: using media player
Add Windows media player to form
Add buttons to play sound with WMP
Advance properties of Windows media player

Practical tips

Intro: practical tips
Get application path in C# code
Run other application from app folder
Add folder to other app then run it
Anchor for fast alignment of controls
Dock for fast alignment of controls
Change the size of form with code
Change size of controls with code
Change Location of controls with C# Code
Moving controls by mouse on form
Use custom format for time of day
Add thousand separator to a number
Check if a text is number or not?
Add right click menu by context-menu control
Check the selected button of message box by dialog result

String in C#

Intro: String in C#
Get the length of string or text
Separate Beginning of a string with Substring
Separate Middle of a string with Substring
Final project: Convert the month number to it’s name

Advance IO.FILE

Section intro to lo.Flle Advance Methods
How to Get the properties of a file
Get the file name & extension of file path

application resource

What is application resource?
Add an image to application resource and use it
Using the image in resource with code
Assembly Name Vs Namespace in C#

settings in C#

Intro: Settings in C#
Section intro to settings in C#
Add settings to your application
Load data from settings
Save data in settings
Save Integer data in Settings
Save decimal values in Settings
Save boolean data in Settings

windows clipboard

Intro: Windows clipboard
What’s windows clipboard?
Save a text to clipboard
Read the text from clipboard
Save an image in clipboard
Load an image from clipboard
Clear everything in clipboard
Check if clipboard contains image or text ?

Practical C# code 2

Section intro to Get Your PC & Application Information
Get Your PC Name
Get Windows login user name
Get your PC CPU Count
Get Windows Up Time
Get your monitor resolution
Get the version information of application

RTF files

Intro: RTF files
Section intro to Working With RTF Files in CH
Load RTF file in RichTextBox Control
Show Progress Panel while loading RTF
Change text color in RTF file
Change text back color in RTF file
Chango tox fontIn RTF is
Change text alignment in RTF file
Add bullet to text in RTF file
Adding Indent to RTF file
Copy the text from RTF file
Paste the text in to RTF file
Add Undo & Redo to RTF file
Save the RTF file

logical operators

What are logical operators?
What is logical operator “AND”?
What is logical operator “OR”?

Method and Class

Intro: method and class
What is method in C#2
Define a method with Int32 return type
Define a method with void return type
Show a message box with method
Whatis class & add a method to it?
Make a public method by using class
Add parameter to a method
Make public a method with parameter included
Add other type of parameter in a method
Add TextBox as parameter to message box method
How to debug a method in C#?

Date in C#

Section intro to Globalization and Calendar
How to get the date of system?
Convert month number to month name
Get the day in week of system
Project: Design a calendar form in C#
Project: Write calendar code in CH
How to work with other cultures calendar?

Diary Application

Diary Project Intro
Create the main form of Diary application
Add toolbar to main form
Add minimize & close button to main form
Add digital clock to sidebar
Add calendar to sidebar
Add version label to main form
Add background to main form
Add background selector ComboBox
Save selected background in settings
Add Media Player to sidebar
Save selected music in settings
Design about us form
Write about us form code in C#
Design user manager form
Save user info in settings
Save user profile image
Load User image in login form load
Load user image in main form
Design login form
Write login form code
Add lock application to main form
Design memo registration form
Add buttons to memo reg form
Write memo reg toolbar code
Show-hide New and Save buttons with code
Save memo in RTF file with code
Save memo date & title with code
Design diary search form
Load saved memo IDs in listbox
Load Rtf & title & date of found memo
Write code to search Memo by ID
Add short-key to main form toolbar buttons
Add Try Structure to protect codes in bugs
Add public message for Errors
Finalize project – Adding Icons , …
Publish Diary Application