Express Frontend Web Development: Build a Search Game

Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Through Hands-On Game Development

What you will learn

Understand the basic structure and components of a web page using HTML.

Gain proficiency in using CSS to style and format web pages, including creating layouts, applying colors, and adjusting typography.

Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, data types, functions, and control structures.

Acquire knowledge of DOM manipulation to interact with HTML elements dynamically.

Learn how to fetch data from an API and handle the JSON response using JavaScript.

Understand the concept of event handling in JavaScript and how to bind events to HTML elements.

Develop skills in building interactive features, such as image sliders, using JavaScript and CSS.

Gain experience in combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a complete web application, specifically a search game that incorporates image display and user


Join our fast-paced course, “Express Frontend Web Development: Build a Search Game,” and dive into the world of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—the core building blocks of modern web development. With our hands-on approach, you’ll quickly grasp the fundamentals and gain practical experience by building a fully functional search game from scratch.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn HTML to structure your web pages effectively, CSS to add stunning visual styles, and JavaScript to make your game dynamic, interactive, and engaging. We’ll cover topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and fetching data from APIs, empowering you with the necessary skills to create exciting and immersive web experiences.

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By the end of this course, you’ll have developed a fully functional search game and acquired a solid foundation in web development. Whether you’re a beginner, aspiring web developer, or looking to enhance your skills, “Web Development Express” will equip you with the tools and knowledge to pursue further projects, unleash your creativity, and explore the vast possibilities of web development.

Join us on this accelerated learning journey and unlock the power to create captivating, user-friendly web experiences. Enroll now in “Express Frontend Web Development: Build a Search Game” and take your first step towards becoming a confident and proficient web developer.




The game we will be building
Set up
Architecture of App

Building the Game

The HTML File
HTML Header
HTML Masthead Header
Masthead Styling
Messages Container
Form Block
Pics and Button
Linking HTML files with JS files
Initial JavaScript Code
Unsplash API Key
Quick note on the API key
Ajax HTTP Request
Bug fix
Add Image to pics element
Zoom and CSS
Zoom all photos
Play function
Show More Function
Check Function
Bug fixes
Give up Function
Styling most elements
Scrollbar Fix

Deploying the game

Renaming to index.html
Uploading files to github
Deploy to Netlify