Excise Taxes Essentials: A Comprehensive Overview

Specific Taxes, AdValorem Taxes, Mixed Excise Tax systems, Tax Yields, Tax Incidences, Fiscal Multiplier, MET, MRP, MAP

What you will learn

Understand the specificities and dynamics of various excise tax systems and their mechanisms in order to minimize the tax exposure for your organization.

Develop the appropriate pricing strategies to maximize the pricing productivity of your products and the profits for your organization.

Understand the dynamics in a market where products are impacted by excise taxes to take informed pricing decisions and outperform your competition.

Improve your accuracy in planning and forecasting your company’s excise tax burden to make appropriate budgeting decisions.

Ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations and understand government needs to advocate for better excise tax structures.


In this comprehensive online course on excise taxes, you’ll learn the ins and outs of one of the most fascinating and controversial types of taxation out there. Often referred to as “sin taxes,” excise taxes are charged on goods and services that are considered to be harmful or unhealthy. But there’s much more to excise taxes than just that!

Throughout the course, we’ll explore the different types of excise taxes, from specific taxes to ad valorem taxes and mixed systems. You’ll gain a deep understanding of why governments choose to implement excise taxes and how they impact the economy as a whole.

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But that’s not all! We’ll also dive into the exciting world of pricing strategies, exploring how companies navigate the complexities of excise taxes to maximize profits and minimize risk. You’ll learn about the concepts of Fiscal Multiplier, Minimum Excise Tax (MET), and Minimum Retail Prices (MRP), and how they factor into the dynamic world of excise taxation.

This course is also applicable to other taxes, such as the VAT or GST, so you’ll walk away with a broad understanding of the tax landscape. Whether you’re an aspiring tax professional or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating topic, this course is the perfect place to start.



Introduction to the course


Structure of the course

Structure of the Course

What are Excise Taxes and why Governments implement them?

What are Excise Taxes and why do Governments implement them?

Key concepts and terminology used in the course

Key concepts and terminology used in the course

Specific (Excise) Tax Structures

Introduction to the Specific Tax module
What is a specific (excise) tax?
Changes in prices with a specific tax system
Changes in taxes with a specific tax system
Strategic pricing decision with a specific tax system (example)
Variants of specific tax systems (single tier, multi-tier, …)
Always compare what is comparable!
Recap of the specific excise tax structures
Quiz on Specific (Excise) Taxes

AdValorem (Excise) Tax Structures

Introduction to the AdValorem Tax module
What is an AdVAlorem (Excise) Tax?
Changes in prices with an AdValorem tax system
Variants of AdValorem tax systems (Single tier, multi-tiers)
The Fiscal Multiplier
Nominal Rates vs. Effective Rates
Fiscal Multiplier Exercise 1
Fiscal Multiplier Exercise 2
Absorption, Pass-on, and Profitability Pricing
Recap of the AdValorem Excise Tax module
Quiz on AdValorem (Excise) Taxes

Mixed (Excise) Tax Structures

Introduction to the Mixed (Excise) Tax module
What is a Mixed (Excise) Tax?
Multi-Tier Mixed Excise Taxes
Minimum Excise Tax (MET)
Minimum Retail Price (MRP) or Minimum Authorized Price (MAP)
Predominantly Specific system vs. Predominantly AdValorem system

Case Studies

Introduction to the Case Studies
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
Case Study 4
Conclusion to the Case Studies

Tax collection of Excise Taxes and other Taxes

Tax collection mechanisms (Excise taxes vs VAT/GST)

Final Test

Intro to Final Test
Final Test

Outro and certificate of completion

Outro to the course and access to your certificate of completion