Excel – Microsoft Excel Course Beginner to Expert 2024

Beginner to Expert Level – Fundamentals, Charts, Pivot Tables, Micro, Functions, Formula & More. MS Excel 2021

What you will learn

How to properly use Excel

Excel From Beginner to Advanced course

Make your work faster, better and more efficient

How to create basic and advanced formulas

Creating Charts from your data

Most Frequently Used Excel Functions With Examples

How to land your first job as an Excel Expert

How to use Macros

PivotTable Made Easy

Advanced Pivot Table Techniques

Improve your Microsoft Excel Skills


Microsoft Excel Version 2021

In this course you will be able to make your own calculation excel sheet.

Here attached some Resource file for your practice. share your work with me so we can be able to discuss it and review it together.

First, you should watch promotional videos and watch the free preview lessons. I think they’re going to give you a good idea of the quality of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked!

This Course includes:


  • What is Microsoft Excel
  • Where Excel Is Used
  • Microsoft Excel Marketplace

Microsoft Excel Fundamentals

  • Microsoft Excel Startup Screen
  • Creating & Save Document in Excel
  • Font Styles and Size
  • Data Handling Basics – Cut, Copy and Paste
  • Text Wrapping and Alignment
  • Dates and Times Formats
  • Numbers Format
  • Find and Replace
  • Working With Rows and Columns (Column & Row Cells Insert, Delete, Hide, Unhide, Merge)
  • Freezing Rows and Columns
  • Working With Multiple Worksheets
  • Saving and Printing
  • Relative, Absolute, & Mixed Cell References
  • Ribbon & Quick Access Toolbar
  • Cell Borders and Merging
  • Allow Text/Numbers Only in Excel
  • Protect Ranges & Worksheets in Excel
  • Save Multiple Excel Sheets in one PDF File

Filtering and Sorting Data

  • Basic Filtering
  • Advanced Filtering
  • Data Sorting in Excel

Creating Charts In Excel

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  • Creating Charts
  • Create A Bar In Bar Chart In Excel
  • Progress Circle Chart in Excel
  • Create Pie Chart
  • Create Line Chart
  • Create Column Chart
  • Format Charts in Excel
  • Area Chart in Excel
  • Waterfall Charts in Excel
  • Combination Charts In Excel
  • Multi-Color Scatter Plot Chart in Excel

Import and Export Data

  • Data from Text Files
  • Import Data from Web to Excel
  • Transpose Data in Excel
  • Parse Data in Excel Using Various Functions
  • Exporting Data to Text File

Pivot Tables

  • Create a Pivot Table
  • Pivot Tables Filtering
  • Pivot Table Slice
  • Pivot Table Grouping
  • Advanced Pivot Table Techniques


  • Create Macros in Excel
  • Edit a Macro in Excel
  • Create Macro Buttons in Excel

Essential Excel Functions & Formulas

  • IF Formula
  • AND Formula
  • OR Formula
  • SUM, SUMIF, SUMIFS Functions
  • PERCENTAGE Functions
  • TODAY Function
  • NOW Functions
  • CHOOSE Function
    MATCH Formula
  • UPPER, LOWER Formulas

Conclusion & Thank You

  • Get Start Career in Excel
  • Top Three Freelancing Jobs Website

I am sure you can do it! all you have to do is follow the lessons step-by-step!

Feel free to share any problem you are facing and i will be here to review it.

To achieve everything mentioned in this piece of advice, Enroll in this course now!

Note: Lectures are updated promptly following any modifications in Microsoft Excel.




What Is Microsoft Excel
Where Excel Is Used
Microsoft Excel Marketplace

Microsoft Excel Fundamentals

Microsoft Excel Startup Screen
Create & Save Document in Excel
Font Styles and Size
Cut, Copy and Paste In Excel
Text Wrapping and Alignment
Dates and Times Formats
Numbers Format
Find and Replace
Working With Rows and Columns
Freezing Rows and Columns
Working With Multiple Worksheets
Saving and Printing
Relative, Absolute, & Mixed Cell References
Ribbon & Quick Access Toolbar
Cell Borders and Merging
Allow Text/Numbers Only in Excel
Protect Ranges & Worksheets in Excel
Save Multiple Excel Sheets in one PDF File

Filtering and Sorting Data

Basic Filtering
Advanced Filtering
Data Sorting in Excel

Create Charts In Excel

Creating Charts In Excel
Create A Bar In Bar Chart In Excel
Progress Circle Chart in Excel
Create Pie Chart In Excel
Create Line Chart In Excel
Create Column Chart In Excel
Format Charts In Excel
Area Chart In Excel
Waterfall Charts in Excel
Combination Charts In Excel
Multi-Color Scatter Plot Chart in Excel

Import and Export Data

Data from Text Files
Import Data from Web to Excel
Transpose Data in Excel
Parse Data in Excel Using Various Functions
Exporting Data to Text File

Pivot Tables In Excel

Create a Pivot Table
Pivot Tables Filtering
Pivot Table Slice
Pivot Table Grouping
Advanced Pivot Table Techniques

Micro In Excel

Create Macros in Excel
Edit a Macro in Excel
Create Macro Buttons in Excel

Essential Excel Functions & Formulas

IF Formula
AND Formula
OR Formula
TODAY Function
NOW Function
CHOOSE Function
MATCH Formula