Excel Beginner to Pro

Become Power User in Excel

What you will learn

Learn to quickly work on excel with pro tips.

Improve productivity at work

Help to improve efficiency in excel work

Master the advanced functionality of Excel which will help to use Microsoft Excel in a effective way


If you want to become an expert in Excel it will help you to become an advanced professional in Excel.

if you want to become a pro in Excel to boost your productivity, and efficiency in excel?

If you are struggling while working with the excel sheets and their data?

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If you are not sure how you can improve your skills in excel?

If any of the above questions answer is Yes, then this is the right course for you, with more than 80 tips which are covered in this course, which will make you an expert in Microsoft excel.

The following topics are covered in this course:

  • Productivity tips
    • Autofill & flash fill
    • CTRL + ALT shortcuts
    • cell protection and its usage
    • Advanced sorting & filtering
  • Formatting tips
    • Invisible text
    • Frozen pens
    • Custom number formats
    • formula formatting
    • snap to grid example
  • Formula tips
    • Unique & Duplicates
    • Formula auditing Tools
    • different Calculation Modes
    • Fuzzy-Match lookups
    • INDEX & MATCH with its example
  • Visualization tips
    • Filled Maps
    • Sparklines
    • Dynamic Ranges
    • Form Controls
    • Custom Templates
  • Pivot table tips
    • Custom Sort Lists
    • Date & Value Grouping
    • what are Slicers & Timelines and How to use them?
    • Cache Source Data
    • Conditional Formatting
  • Analytics tips
    • Data Modeling
    • Goal Seek & Solver
    • Outlier Detection

      All these topics with a handful of examples with practical demonstrations.

    At the end of this course, you will become a confident excel professional (Power User) who can do most of your excel work so easily with advanced formulas, interactive visuals and charts, which will save your time and will help you to achieve your goals.



Excel 2019 : Introduction : Getting started

Introduction & Course Structure
setting expectations

Excel 2019 : productivity Tips

Module Introduction
Excel Footer – How to Customizing it
Workbooks – Navigate Excel workbooks with CTRL shortcuts
Access Excel Ribbon tools with ALT key tips
special options – Accessing Excel “Go To” special options
Clean the data – Removing blank rows in Excel
Clean the data – Splitting Text to Columns in Excel
Header and Footer in Page Layout
Creating Drop-Down Menus in Excel with Data Validation
Autofill & Flash Fill – How to fill Patterns
Customizing the Excel Ribbon Tools
Synchronous Scrolling Across Multiple Excel Workbooks
Extracting Unique Values from a List in Excel
Using Named Range & Table References in Excel Formulas
Protecting Cells & Formulas in Excel Workbooks
Multi-Level Row & Column Sorting
Configuring Advanced Filter Criteria in Excel

Excel 2019 : Formatting Tips

Module Introduction
Excel Formatting shortcuts
Spell checking in Excel
Snapping Objects to the Excel Grid
Hiding Excel Workbook Elements
Replicating Formats & Styles with Excel’s Format Painter
Colour & Border Design Tips in Excel
Freezing Panes in Excel Worksheets
Split the data
Centering Across a Selection
Creating an “Invisible” Format
Zip Codes & Phone Numbers
Relative Reference
Grouping Worksheet Columns & Rows
Formatting Excel Errors with IFERROR
Converting Excel Text to Dates
Creating Dynamic Formats with Excel Formulas
Advanced Excel Number Formats

Excel 2019 : Formulas

Module Introduction
Manual vs. Automatic Calculation Modes in Excel
Adding Line Breaks to Excel Formulas
Converting Units of Measurement with Excel Formulas
Building Real-Time Tools with TODAY & NOW Functions
Excel Formula Auditing Tools
Designing Pivot-Style Reports with Excel Formulas
Counting Words in Excel with LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions
Configuring Dependent Drop-Down Menus with INDIRECT
Creating Custom Hyperlinks Between Excel Worksheets
Using Approximate Match VLOOKUP Functions
Combining INDEX & MATCH Functions
Finding Matching Items Across Lists in Excel
Counting Duplicate Values with SUMPRODUCT
Using Many-to-Many Lookups in Excel

Excel 2019 : Advanced Functions

Advanced Functions Part 1
Advanced Functions Part 2

Excel 2019 : Visualization tips

Module Introduction
Configuring Excel Chart Properties (Move & Size)
Visualizing Geospatial Data with Filled Maps (Excel 2016+ or Office 365)
Customizing Excel Charts to Tell a Story
Adding Sparklines to Worksheet Cells
Designing Custom Chart Templates in Excel
Building Excel Heat Maps Using Colour Scales
Analysing Distribution with Histograms
Goal Pacing with Custom Excel Gauge Charts
Highlighting Time Periods with Combo Charts
Configuring Dynamic Chart Source Ranges
Creating Interactivity with Excel Form Controls

Excel 2019 : Pivot table tips

Module Introduction
Customizing the Pivot Table Field List
Autofitting Column Width in Pivot Tables
Pivot Table Outline & Tabular Layouts
Counting Non-Numerical Fields Using Pivots
Grouping & Ungrouping Dates with Pivot Tables
Enabling Multiple Pivot Table Filters
Grouping Values into Buckets with Pivot Tables
Adding Value Calculations to Pivot Tables
Configuring Pivot Table Slicers & Timelines
Advanced Pivot Table Conditional Formatting
Removing & Reviving Pivot Table Source Data
Adding Custom Sort Lists in Excel

Excel 2019 : Analytics tips

Module Introduction
Excel Quick Analysis Tools
Solving Simple Optimizations with Goal Seek
Creating Basic Forecasts in Excel
Connecting & Transforming Data with Power Query
Use Analyze Data option