Elaboration of University Theses

Elaboration of Scientific Papers

What you will learn

Knowing the elaboration of the university theses

Realizing the structure of a thesis

Knowing how to format the theses

Understanding the types of methodologies for theses


The diploma or undergraduate/graduate/Ph.D.’s thesis is a scientific product developed by the student under the coordination of the teaching staff. The paper must demonstrate the student’s appropriation of the literature relevant to the topic addressed, be correct from a methodological and data analysis point of view, have a logical structure and be written using scientific language.

The responsibility for the preparation rests with the student who must prepare the paper in accordance with the requirements outlined below.

The diploma or undergraduate/graduate/Ph.D.’s thesis will be accompanied by the anti-plagiarism report.

I. Component parts of the paper

The paper must be organized into chapters in a logical sequence that presents the following aspects:

– Title page

– Content

– Abstract

– Introduction and motivation of the theme

– List of abbreviations (optional)

– Acknowledgments (optional)

1. The theoretical framework of the studied problem

2. Research part:

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2.1. The purpose, objectives, variables and hypotheses of the research

2.2. Presentation of the subject pool

2.3. Presentation and description of research instruments

2.4. Exposure of the research methodology

2.5. Statistical analysis of the normality of the data obtained in the questionnaires

2.6. Presentation of the results obtained from statistical tests for each individual hypothesis with mention of the validation of the hypotheses

2.7. Methodological interpretation of the results

3. The conclusions of the paper:

3.1. Personal contribution to the research topic

3.2. The limits of the paper

3.3. Future research directions

– Bibliography

– Annexes




Overview 1

Component parts of the papers

Component parts of the papers

Specifications of the papers

Overview 2
Specifications of the papers

Format of the papers

Format of the papers

Sustaining the papers

Overview 3
Sustaining the papers

Evaluation criteria of the papers

Evaluation criteria of the papers

Grading criteria for the papers

Overview 4
Grading criteria for the papers