Effective use of Learner-Centred Strategies in Teaching

21st century skills,classroom management,designing a learner centred classroom, learner-centred pedagogy and stigma .

What you will learn

Understanding of the 21st century skills

The knowledge,skills,and attitudes in designing innovative learner-centred activities

Ability to reduce HIV and AIDS stigma and discrimination

Designing and managing learner- centred classroom

demonstrate knowledge on 21st century competencies


Have you ever thought of giving an engaging and involving presentation? if yes, then you are in the right place. Sounds good?  Lets do it together.

In this course we will discuss learner-centered teaching and learning strategies (pedagogy).According to the Great Schools Partnership (2014), learner-centered teaching and learning refers to education programmes, learning experiences, instructional approaches and learner support strategies that are intended to support specific learning needs or learning styles. This pedagogy places responsibility in the hands of the learner and shifts the focus of instruction from the teacher.

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By the end of this course you should be able to

  • Demonstrate  knowledge and skills in designing learner-Centered activities
  • Use Project Based Learning ( PBL) to demonstrate knowledge and skills in designing learner-centered activities.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use and integration of technology in teaching and learning.
  • Appreciate differentiated learning and adapt learning  activities  to suit the needs of the learners including those with special needs.
  • Demonstrate desirable knowledge and skills on HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
  • Design and effectively manage a learner-centered classroom.

    Your instructor samson Nyangaya is a teacher with 12 years experience in senior secondary school specializing in Mathematics and Business Studies, examiner at the national examining body for the last 7 years and vast experience in strengthening Mathematics and sciences activities.





Learner Centred Strategies

21st Century Skills
Categories Of 21st Century Skills

Designing a 21 st Century Classroom

How to design a 21st Century Classroom
Managing a 21st century classroom

21st Century Competencies

21st Century Competencies
Characteristics Of Competency Based Curriculum
pertinent and Contemporary Issues
How to Acquire knowledge, skills and value in various PCIs
Assessment Tools

Learner-centred/Active learning strategies

Active Learning Strategies
learner -centred pedagogy
Ict integration and Project Based Learning

Learner-Centred Strategies in subject in subject areas

Active learning in subject Areas
Ict integration

HIV and Aids

HIV and Aids stigma