DevOps MasterClass : Terraform Jenkins Kubernetes Ansible

DevOps with Jenkins Terraform AWS Docker Swarm Maven Kubernetes GIT & Ansible Automation with DevOps Realworld Exercises

What you will learn

An understanding of DevOps and the modern DevOps Tools Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes Helm.

The ability as DevOps Engineer to Automate Code Delivery and Deployment Pipeline Using Jenkins.

Complete Understanding of Docker Containers & Docker Swarm Orchestration & Kubernetes.

Learn Building the Apps Dockerize using Docker Containers and Docker File & HELM as DevOps Engineer.

Be DevOps Master in Kubernetes and Kubernetes Administration from Scratch to Advance Level.

Kubernetes Development and Complete Deployment on Kubernetes & Docker Containers.

As CI DevOps Engineer, Jenkins Multiple Integration with Modern Technology Tools like Docker, Code Delivery Pipeline, Git & GitHub .


One of the Finest & Multi-Technology DevOps Certification Course On Udemy.

Celebrating #20000 Students, #20000 DevOps Certified Engineers with DevOps Specialization with DevOps Technology stack like Docker, Docker Containers, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes with Docker, Kubernetes Administration, Git & GitHub, Jenkins & Jenkins Code Pipeline, Terraform, Terraform AWS, Ansible.

People are getting Pro in Jenkins, Docker, Docker Swarm, Terraform & Kubernetes and we are helping them to get more knowledge on DevOps Practices.

This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOps, the fast-growing field that bridges the gap between software developers and operations.

The DevOps training course focuses heavily on the use of Docker containers, GIT & GitHub, Jenkins Kubernetes & Docker Swarm a technology that is revolutionizing the way apps are deployed in the cloud today and is a critical skillset to master in the cloud age.

This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOps.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

1. Diagnose a team’s delivery pipeline and bring forward prioritized recommendations to improve it

2. Explain the skill sets and roles involved in DevOps and how they contribute toward a continuous delivery capability

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3. Review and deliver automation tests across the development stack

4. Explain the key jobs of system operations and how today’s leading techniques and tools apply to them

5. Explain how high-functioning teams use DevOps and related methods to reach a continuous delivery capability

6. Facilitate prioritized, iterative team progress on improving a delivery pipeline

Course Objective?

This DevOps training is designed to help you become a DevOps practitioner. During this course, our expert DevOps instructors will help you:

  • Understand the DevOps Ecosystem
  • Learn about automatic Source Code Management using GIT and Continuous Integration using Jenkins
  • Understand, Build and Test Automation: how to build an appropriate delivery pipeline and perform test automation on it
  • Understand Containerization using Docker: identify the difference between containers and VMs
  • Master Docker Commands and Use-cases: deals with the various networking concepts in Docker, the best way to use the Docker Volume, and creating Docker file
  • Master Puppet: learn Configuration management and “Infrastructure-as-Code”. You can learn about the master-agent architecture and catalog compilation in Puppet
  • Learn Continuous Monitoring using Nagios: integrate Jenkins, Docker, and Puppet, and learn about system monitoring using Nagios and its components
  • Execute a live Project

Who should take this course?

DevOps career opportunities are thriving worldwide. DevOps was featured as one of the 11 best jobs in America for 2017, according to CBS News, and data from Payscale shows that DevOps Managers earn as much as $122,234 per year, with DevOps engineers making as much as $151,561. DevOps jobs are the third-highest tech role ranked by employer demand on Indeed but have the second-highest talent deficit.

This DevOps training course will be of benefit to the following professional roles:

  • Software Developers
  • Technical Project Managers
  • Architects
  • Operations Support
  • Deployment engineers
  • IT managers
  • Development managers

Prerequisite knowledge of software development, preferably in Java, and the UNIX/Linux command-line tools are essential for this course.



Understating of DevOps & DevOps Process

What is DevOps || DevOps Tools
Continuous Development
Continuous Testing
Continuous Integration
Continuous Deployment & Monitoring

**GIT** Introduction & Installation

Git | WelCome & Goal
Audience & Study Tips
Key GIT Terminology
GIT Introduction
Install GIT on LINUX
Download and Install GIT on Windows

GIT Quick Start

Configure User Information in GIT
Create First GIT Repository
First GIT Commit
Adding Files and GIT Logs
Understanding of GIT Workflow

Text Editor for GIT **Installation**

GIT Text Editor OverView
Install SubLime Text on Linux
Configure SubLime with GIT
NotePad ++ As GIT Editor for Windows

Version Control System GIT & GITHUB

Verify Changes in GIT
Compare Stage Area with Local Repository in GIT
Delete File in GIT

GIT with GITHUB **Advance**

Explore Git with GITHub
Create Centralized Repository
Create Branches in GIT
Merge Branches in GIT
Revert a Commit in GIT

GIT Basics **Through Explanation**

Add GIT in Existing Project Part
Fork GitHub Existing Project
Git CLI Complete Workflow
Back-out GIT Changes
Delete File in GIT
Rename & Move File in GIT
Find Commit, File History in GIT
GIT Alias
Exclude Unwanted Files in GIT

Comparisons in GIT

SetUp Git Project for Comparision
Compare Working Directory & Stage Area
Compare Work Directory and GIT Repo
Compare Stage Area & GIT Repo
Compare Commits in GIT

Branching & Merging in GIT

Basics of Branches in GIT
Happy Path Merges in GIT
Auto Merge in GIT
Merge Conflicts & Resolution

GIT Rebase

GIT Merge vs GIT Rebase
GIT Rebase Example
Create Merge Conflicts in Rebase
Resolve Merge Conflicts in GIT Rebase
Rebase Remote Repository in GIT

GIT Stashing

GIT Stash with Example
Stash Untracked Files & Git Stash Pop
Manage Multiple Stash
Stashing into Branch

GIT Tagging

GIT Tagging Introduction
GIT Annotated Tags
Compare Tags in GIT
Tag a Specific Commit in GIT
Update Tags in GIT

GIT Common Mistakes and Fixes

Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 1
Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 2
Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 3

Jenkins Section Introduction

Introduction to Continuous Integration
What is Jenkins | Jenkins Introduction
Course Code Base & Discussion Forum Links
Install Jenkins on Linux/Unix/Cloud Machine
$135 Digital Ocean Referral Link | Installation Steps
Download and Configure Jenkins on Windows
Text Direction : Download and Configure Jenkins on Windows
Download and Configure Jenkins on MAC OS
Text Direction : Download and Configure Jenkins on MAC OS
Java 9 & 10 Warning for Jenkins

Jenkins Getting Started | Get Jenkins Ready

Architectural Overview of Jenkins
Create Jenkins First Job

Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Jenkins Integration with GIT & GITHUB
Install Maven on Jenkin’s Host Machine
Text Direction : Install Maven on Windows
Configure Jenkins with GIT & Maven
Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Job
TroubleShooting : Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Job
Source Code Polling in Jenkins
Text Direction : Add SSH Key in Local from GitHUB
Remote Build Trigger in Jenkins

Continuous Delivery with Jenkins

Archive Artefact in Jenkins
Install & Configure Tomcat in Staging Environment
Text Direction : Install & Configure Tomcat in Staging Environment
Text Direction : Install Tomcat on Windows
Deploy Staging Environment
Build Pipeline Plugin
Deploy to Production
Trouble Shooting: Deploy to Production

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code

Jenkins Job DSL

Introduction to JENKINS Job DSL
Demo: Jenkins Job DSL with Maven Project

Jenkins as a Code Pipeline (DSL)

Jenkins As Code Pipeline Overview
Demo: Code Pipeline
Text Direction : Demo Code Pipeline
Automate Existing Maven Project Pipeline
Text Direction: Automate Existing Maven Project Pipeline

Distributed Builds in Jenkins

Distributed Builds Concept
Create and Configure Jenkins Slave
Text Direction : Create and Configure Jenkins Slave
Label Nodes & Concurrent Builds

Docker Setup and Installation

Available Docker Editions
Install Docker on Linux Machine
Docker Basics & Run Container
Docker File Basics | Introduction
Docker File Instructions | Construction Commands
Create Docker File of Our Project
Text Direction : Create Docker File of Our Project
Build and Tag Project Docker Image
Trouble Shooting: Build Docker Image
Execute Project in Docker

Parameterize Jenkins Jobs

Add Parameters In Jenkins Job
Add Choice Parameters
Add Logic with Boolean Parameter

Jenkins Security Aspects

Enable/Disable Login Jenkins
Allow User to Sign-Up Jenkins
Install Powerful Security Plugin
How to Create Users in Jenkins
Create & Assign Roles to Users

Creating Docker Containers : Start Like a Beginner

Check Docker Install and Configurations
Start Your First Container
Stop-Remove the Containers
Docker Internal Processing
Containers vs Virtual Machines
Assignment : Manage Multiple Containers
Assignment Answer : Manage Multiple Containers

Use Docker Containers : Advance

Docker CLI Monitoring
Start Container in Interactive Mode
Run Commands in Running Containers

Docker Networking

Docker Network : Introduction
Explore Container Networks
Docker Network CLI : List & Inspect
Docker Network : Create, Connect & Disconnect Network
Docker Network : DNS Concept

Docker Container Images : Beginning

What is Docker Image
Docker Hub Repository
Concept of Docker Image Layers
Docker Image Tagging
Upload Docker Image to Cloud

Docker Container Images : Build Images

Dockerfile Basics
Docker File Instructions
Create Custom Docker Image
Extend Official Docker Image
Assignment : Build Docker Image
Assignment Answer : Build Docker Image

Docker Containers : Manage Data

Persistent Data Problem
Persistent Data : Data Volumes
Persistent Data : Bind Mounts
Assignment : Data Volumes
Assignment Answer : Data Volumes
Assignment : Bind Mounts
Assignment Answer : Bind Mount

Docker Compose : Multi Container Tool

Docker Compose Introduction
Docker Compose YML File
Run MYSQL & WORDPRESS via Docker Compose
Docker Compose : Build Application From Scratch

Docker Swarm Introduction: Swarm Orchestration

Docker Swarm Introduction: Swarm Orchestration
Docker Swarm Terminology
Create Service on Docker Swarm
Create Docker Swarm Cluster
Text Direction : SetUp Docker on Swarm Docker Nodes
Busting 5 DevOps Myths

Docker Swarm Features and Applications

Networks in Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm Traffic Management
Assignment : Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm
Assignment Answer : Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm Stack Deployment : Multi Service Deployment

Docker Swarm Stacks
Docker Swarm Stack : Scale Application
Docker Swarm : Persistent Data Issue in Distributed Application
Swarm : Deploy Distributed Application

Docker Swarm Secrets Management : Protect Sensitive Data

Docker Swarm Secrets Introduction
Create Docker Service with Secrets
Deploy Stack with Swarm Secrets

Docker Swarm Service Management

ZeroDowntime Service Upgrade
HealthCheck in Docker Swarm
Container Placement in Docker Swarm
Service Constraints in YML File

Get Started with Kubernetes

Kubernetes Introduction & Uses
Kubernetes Architecture
Orchestration Giants : Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

Setting-Up Kubernetes on local

Kubernetes SetUp
SetUp Kubernetes with MiniKube
Text Direction : SetUp Kubernetes with MiniKube

SetUp Kubernetes on AWS Cloud

Kops Introduction
Prepare AWS Environment for Kops
Text Direction : Prepare AWS Environment for Kops
Kubernetes Setup on AWS Cloud
Text Direction : Kubernetes SetUp on AWS Cloud
Build and Push Docker Custom Image
Run First Custom Image on Local Kubernetes
Text Direction: Run First Custom Image on Local Kubernetes
Run Custom Image on AWS Kubernetes
Text Direction : Run Custom Image on AWS Kubernetes

SetUp Kubernetes on Google Cloud

SetUp Kubernetes on GCP Cloud
Text Direction : SetUp Kubernetes on GCP Cloud
Run Custom Image on GCP Kubernetes
Text Direction : Run Custom Image on GCP Kubernetes

Basics of Kubernetes

Kubernetes Node Workflow
Scaling Pods in Kubernetes
Lab: Scaling Pods in Kubernetes with Replication Controller
Replica Set in Kubernetes
Deployment in Kubernetes
Lab : Deployment in Kubernetes

Basics of Kubernetes Part II

Services in Kubernetes
Lab : Services in Kubernetes
Labels in Kubernetes
Lab : Labels in Kubernetes
Liveness(HealthCheck) of Application in Kubernetes
Demo Liveness(HealthCheck) of Application in Kubernetes
Readiness in Kubernetes & Application
Lifecycle Of Pods in Kubernetes
Secrets in Kubernetes
Lab Secrets in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Advance Part I

Service Discovery using DNS
Lab : Service Discovery using DNS
ConfigMap in Kubernetes
Lab ConfigMap in Kubernetes
Ingress in Kubernetes
Lab Ingress in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Advance Part II

Volume in Kubernetes
EmptyDir Volume in Kubernetes
HostPath Volume in Kubernetes
Dynamic Volume Provisioning in Kubernetes
Dynamic Volume : Run WordPress On Kubernetes
Text Direction : Run WordPress On Kubernetes

Kubernetes Advance Part III

Pod Presets in Kubernets
Enable and Execute PodPrests in Kubernetes
StateFul Sets in Kubernetes
Deploy Cassandra In StateFul Set
DaemonSet In Kubernetes
Demo: DaemonSet In Kubernetes

Kubernetes Advance Part IV

AutoScaling in Kubernetes
Demo AutoScaling in Kubernetes
Affinity in Kubernetes
Demo Affinity in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Administration Part I

Architecture and Working Model Of Master Component
Manage Resource Quota in Kubernetes
Resource Quota in Kubernetes
Demo: Resource Quota in Kubernetes
User Management in Kubernetes
Role Base Access Control
Role Base Access Control Implementation

Kubernetes Administration Part II

Networking in Kubernetes
Node Management
Kubernetes In Production : High Availability
Demo : Kubernetes HA Deployment

Package & Deploy on Kubernetes : HELM

HELM : Introduction
Installing and Running HELM on Kubernetes
Text Direction : Installing and Running HELM on Kubernetes
Create & Deploy HELM Chart on Cluster
Text Direction : Create & Deploy HELM Chart on Cluster
Upload HELM Chart in S3 Bucket
Text Direction : Upload HELM Chart in S3 Bucket

Serverless Functions on Kubernetes

What is Serverless in Kubernetes
Kubeless Intro
Install Kubeless and Deploy Functions

Micro Services in Kubernetes

Introduction to Istio
Install Istio on Kubernetes
Text Direction : Install Istio on Kubernetes
Demo: Istio Enabled Application
Canary Deployments With Istio
Istio Retry Policy and Uses