Cuboid calculations made easy: Mastering the basics

Unlocking the Secrets of Cuboid Math: A Beginner’s Guide

What you will learn

1. The students will learn what a cuboid is.

2. Students will learn how to calculate the volume, total surface area, and lateral surface area of a cuboid.

3. They will also understand how to calculate the area of four walls of a room.

4. They will also learn how to calculate the length of diagonal of a cuboid.


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  1. What is the meaning of cuboid?
  2. How many faces or sides are there in a cuboid?
  3. Whether the opposite faces of a cuboid have different characteristics?
  4. List some examples of a cuboid.
  5. What is the formula for calculation of volume of a cuboid?
  6. We can get the volume of cuboid by multiplying its length, width, and height. What is the another name of width?
  7. What is meant by surface area of a cuboid?
  8. What is the formula for calculation of surface area of a cuboid?
  9. What is meant by lateral surface area of a cuboid?
  10. What is the formula for calculation of lateral surface area of a cuboid?
  11. How can we calculate the area of four walls of a rectangular room?
  12. How many pairs of identical walls are there in a rectangular room?
  13. How can we calculate the length of cuboid when width, height and volume of the cuboid are given?
  14. What is the formula for calculating the width of cuboid when volume, length and height is mentioned?
  15. How to arrive at height of cuboid when width, length and volume of cuboid is known to us?
  16. What is meant by diagonal of a cuboid?
  17. Is it true that diagonal connects two opposite corners of the cuboid?
  18. Diagonal of cuboid is also known by some another name. Can you specify?
  19. Whether diagonal intersects two pairs of opposite faces?
  20. What is the formula for the calculation of length of diagonal?




Meaning and Volume of cuboid

Meaning and Volume of cuboid

Surface area of cuboid

Surface area of cuboid

Lateral Surface area of cuboid

Lateral surface area of cuboid

Area of four walls of a room

Area of four walls of a room

Length, width or height of a cuboid

Length, width or height of a cuboid

Diagonal of cuboid

Diagonal of cuboid