Create your own Search Engine | Full Stack App

Angular 15, Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Multer, Angular Material, etc.

What you will learn

Angular 15

Node JS


Multer Storage


Restful API


Learn and level up your Knowledge in Angular, Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular Material by Creating your personal search engine using the world’s most used technologies for software development.

Explore more about HTML, CSS, Javascript, TypeScript, Angular, Angular Material, Node JS, MongoDB, Express, Multer, and cors.

Even if you are a beginner and wants to learn to build restful API, then this course will guide you.

Some Details about technologies I’ve used in this course:

Angular: Observable, NgModel, Reactive forms, Httpclient, API integration, Single Page Application (SPA), and a few more.

Node Js Packager as –

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Node Package Manager ( NPM) :

Express, Mongoose, Multer Storage, Cors, Nodemon.

Front-end: Angular, Angular Material.

Back-end: Node, Express, MongoDB.

This course can be used as a mini project or you can add it to your resume. Bringing it to your screen was all fun, I hope you will find this course useful as it is meant to enhance your skills in JavaScript and TypeScript by following through, thank you for paying attention, I appreciate your engagement till now, If you feel stuck anywhere throughout this course or encounter any issues feel free to Write it down in the comment section and I will help you solve issues, waiting to see you in the course.

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Angular + Node JS

Angular and node js

Node Js

Node Js

Final Section

Node and Angular