Create Ecommerce Website In WordPress (Hindi)

Ecommerce Website Development

What you will learn

Ecommerce Website Development

Online Shopping Website Development

Online Store Development

eCommerce Website In WordPress Development


In This Course, You will Learn Ecommerce Website Development In Hindi.
Basically, Here is The Full Course On Ecommerce Website Development, Which Can Be Easily Made In WordPress. So, I Urge All The Users To Go Through To This Course & Enjoy Learning Ecommerce Website Development Easily.

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Getting Hosting + Domain & Setting Up Website

Getting a Best & Fastest Hosting + Domain
Getting a Basic Hosting + Domain
Getting an Ecommerce Theme

Basic Things To Do

Basic WordPress Website Designing
Installing Some Basic Plugins
Installing Some Important Plugins

Adding Payment Gateway To Accept Payments Online

Set Up Payment Gateway To WordPress Site

Completing Final Things

Adding Products To Your Website
Adding 3 Important Pages
Homepage Designing
Enable Log In + Register To Website
Manage Orders & Enjoy Your Earnings