Conflict Management – How to Deal with Difficult People

Emotional intelligence, self-knowledge, positive psychology, neuroscience and hypnosis for conflict management.

What you will learn

Reduce stress, learning to calm one’s own emotions

Learn to put limits on abusive people in the work – conflict management

Become a high performance employee

Get along well with co-workers and difficult family members

Learn the power of empathy and improve the way you relate to colleagues and authorities

Know how to say “no” without hurting people and avoid conflicts


  • Do you live with an aggressive person at work or at home?
  • Do you have difficulty dealing with difficult people?
  • Don’t know how to say “no” and impose yourself without the other person getting hurt and without generating conflicts?
  • Do you feel exploited by people and don’t know what to do about it?
  • Do you suffer from depression or have low self-esteem?
  • Do you feel emotionally deprived?

If you said “YES” to one of these questions, then this course on the Psychology of Conflict Management is for YOU!

What will you learn in the conflict management course – how to deal with difficult people?

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  1. Why it’s important that you know how to raise your emotional intelligence (section 1)
  2. Develop a mindset of peace and gentleness through non-violent communication and avoid conflicts (sections 3 and 4)
  3. Compassionate Communication: How to Understand and Interact with Violent People (section 4)
  4. Use NLP Psychology of the 3 levels of perception to overcome conflicts (section 3)
  5. Learn how to raise your emotional intelligence in a simple and fast way (section 7)
  6. Develop the same peace mindset ie conflict resolution psychology as Mahatma Gandhi by living “ahimsa” or “non-violence” in your daily life (section 6).
  7. Use empathy and self-empathy to deal with conflicts (section 5)
  8. Discover the psychology of well-being and emotional healing (section 7)

Why you can trust me as an instructor for the conflict management course – how to deal with difficult people?

  • Because I have been working for several years working in hypnotherapy and transpersonal therapy. For that very reason, I have several Ericksonian hypnosis techniques and meditation tips to share with you.
  • Because I have already participated in several courses and seminars on non-violent communication and conflict management, knowing the technique in depth in conflict resolution.
  • I already have more than 17,000 students in more than 100 countries.

You have 2 options:

  1. Attend classes in this Compassionate Communication course, connect with your power and self-confidence, earning the respect and admiration of the people around you. Just click and subscribe
  2. Not taking this conflict resolution course and continuing to suffer aggression and abuse, feeling devalued and harboring more and more resentments and hurts. Continuing to go through trial and error in relationships and learning over years that would only take a few minutes of watching classes on this course.

So, don’t waste any more time, join us and apply now!



Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management

How do You See the World?
What Determines Success or Failure in Life?
Neuroscience Helping You Deal with Emotional Impulses
The 6 Second Technique
Why Should You Raise Your Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management?
How to React in the Face of Aggression?
The Win-Win Game – Watch This Lecture Before Continuing the Course
Fight Back or Eat Crow? – The Response of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience

The benefits of compassionate communication in conflict resolution

The Secret of Success in All Areas
How to Use Your Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Prosperity
How not to get angry with aggressive people

Compassionate Communication to Avoid Conflict – Healing Emotional Distress

Psychology of Well-Being: Learning to Welcome Yourself
Challenge: What to do When You Are Attacked? – The Key to Emotional Healing
The Three Most Common Mistakes in Conflict Management
4 Strategies for Saying “No” Without Hurting

Basic concepts of compassionate communication in conflict management

The Importance of Compassionate Communication for Conflict Management
The 4 Stages of Observation
How to Have Enough Emotional Intelligence to Observe without Judging

Empathy and Self-Empathy in Conflict Management

What is the Difference Between Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion?
How to Empathize with Beggars
Case Study: How One Girl Escaped Rape Using the Power of Empathy
Powerful Self-Empathy Technique
What to Do When Being Insulted – Positive Psychology and the Neuroscience
Case Study: Empathy Exercise for a Real Life or Death Case

Cultivating Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence to Manage Conflict

Introduction to “Ahimsa” – Mahatma Gandhi’s Bible of Non-Violence
How to Educate Your Children Without Spanking or Punishing
Watch This Class If You Are Having Difficulty with This Course Content
Advanced 6 Second Technique