Complete PYTHON Programming for Beginners – 2023

The easiest way to learn Python in-depth and build complex, scalable programs!

What you will learn

You will learn to create professional real-world programs in Python the ultimate OOP way!

Learn how to plan your Python programs before writing them!

Learn and apply proper design principles when programming in Python!

Learn to troubleshoot code issues using debuggers!

Get a deep understanding of how Python works under the hood!

Learn to write highly organized modular code!

You will build large real-world Python applications.


On successful completion of the course, you will be able to program in the professional object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm in Python, which allows you to start your programmer career. All professional Python programmers develop applications the OOP way. You, too, will be able to write complex, scalable programs in Python on completion of this course.

The course follows a practical approach where students learn by actively problem-solving towards the tangible goal of creating real-world Python programs. The course covers real-world Python programs that you will develop using the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm.

Apart from learning Python, in this course, students also learn to use all the necessary tools and techniques they need to become a professional Python programmer. These are software design principles, writing highly organized code, code planning, code refactoring, SQL databases, and more.

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We designed this course for both absolute and non-absolute beginners. However, if you are an intermediate who knows Python well, you may still benefit from the course because it covers some advanced Python and programming concepts that you will hardly find anywhere else. Advanced concepts, such as abstract classes, class methods, composition, refactoring, etc., will be comprehensively covered and practiced in the course.

Do I need previous experience with other programming languages to take this course?

No. In fact, in this course, you will not merely learn Python syntax. You will understand Python from the inside-out from the computer science perspective so that you will have a deeper understanding of how programming works.



Introduction of scripting

Scripting and types of Scripting languages
Difference between scripting and programming language

Explanation of Programming language paradigm

Programming language paradigm

Introduction of Python

History of python
Python file extensions

Explanation of Python script

Python script mode

About Python

Characteristics and features of python
Python comments

IDE and Debugging

Pycharm IDE
Debugging python code

Explanation of Variables

Python Variables
Explanation of python code(or) statement

Python Datatypes

Python Numerical Datatypes

Python Literals

Python Binary,octa,Hexa decimal literals

Explanation of order of operations

Order of operations

Python MATH module

Python MATH module
Python MATH module part-2

Explanation of Number type conversions

Number type conversions in python

Python String Operations

Python String operations
Special characters in strings
String Indices in python
Updating Strings in python
String Formatting operator in Python
Python Identifiers
Structuring with Indentation in Python
String Library in Python
Max method in Python
Split method in Python

Datastructures in python

Types of Datastructures
Datastructures in python
Lists in Python
Lists Implementation in python
Tuples in python
Set in python
Python Dictionaries
Working with Python Lists
Basic operations on Lists
Accessing elements from Lists
Pre-defined methods of Lists
Python Enumerate method
Working with Tuple
Pre-defined methods of Tuple
Built-in functions of Tuple
Working with set
Iterating sets using for loop
Working with python Dictionaries

Python Operators

Operators in Python
Arithmetic operators in python
Comparison operators in python
Assignment operators in Python
Logical operators in python
Special operators in python
Python Bitwise and operator
Python Bitwise or operator
Python Bitwise XOR Operator
Bitwise compliment operator
Binary Left shift and Right shift operators

Working with Range function

Range function in Python
Example of Range function

Functions in Python

Types of functions in Python
Defining and calling a function in python

Python module

Working with Python module

OOPS IN Python

OOPS in python
Class,object,method in python
Inheritance in python
Abstraction in OOPS Python
Example of Abstract class,method in python

Working with Multi-threading

Multi-threading in python
Example of Multi-threading

Working with Access specifiers

Working with Access Specifiers in Python

Python errors

Working with Python errors