Complete JavaScript, XML, AJAX and React Bootcamp – Hands-On

Master Front-End Web Development Complete with Interactive, Asynchronous Page Updates using JS, Ajax, and React

What you will learn

Understand the importance of the Document Object Model (DOM)

Learn how to manipulate the DOM

Learn to work with JavaScript Arithmetic Operators and Variables

Learn to work with JavaScript Data Types and Arrays

Understand various types of JavaScript Loops (For-In, For, Do-While, While)

Work with JavaScript Objects and Functions

Learn the importance of Operator Precedence

Work with JavaScript Events

Build Interactive Web Pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Understand the XML Schema

Learn to how to Parse XML Files

Learn the purpose of Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX)

Learn how to use AJAX Call Functions

Build a Search Suggest Feature using AJAX

Build a Auto Populated Select Menu using AJAX

Explore the Foundations of React

Understand the Tools Required for React Projects

Build an E-Commerce Search Feature using React

Learn to Build a Calculator, Connect-4 Clone, and a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site in React

Learn to Validate Forms in React


Hello and welcome to this exciting new course, where we explore some of the most powerful front-end development languages used in modern web development. In this course you will learn to harness the power of JavaScript, XML, AJAX, and React to build highly interactive web pages from scratch. We start with an introduction into the document object model, followed by an in-depth guide to the essentials of JavaScript. In the JavaScript section you will learn a number of concepts instrumental towards your journey as a developer. This includes working with variables, arithmetic operators, objects, functions, arrays, events, and loops. You will also learn the importance of JavaScript placement, while working with both internal and external JavaScript code components. Students learn the importance of operator precedence when performing simple and complex arithmetic operations. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to work with conditional statements to perform comparisons between different operations. Once you have a handle on the foundations, we’ll dive into a number of JavaScript development projects where you will have an opportunity to apply your new skills with practical hands-on exercises. This includes building an automated background color changer, and photo gallery complete with mouse overs and image transitions.

In the second section of the course we will explore XML and AJAX to demonstrate the power of asynchronous page updates. This means building web components that automatically update on a web page, without having to manually refresh. You will have an opportunity to work with both XML and AJAX in conjunction with JavaScript to build modern web app components such as a search suggest feature, and a pre-populated select menu.

Once you have a foundational understanding of JavaScript and AJAX, we will dive into working with React, a powerful JavaScript library used for front-end UI development. The React section starts off with a hands-on project where you’ll learn how to work with functional React components, props, Callback functions, OnClick Events, and the React State hook to build a fully functional calculator. From there we will dive into project number two, where you will build a connect-4 clone. Here we will cover more intermediate concepts including passing props, de-structuring, passing arguments to click events, various styling methods, and handling callbacks. You will also learn about the React key property, React lifecycle events, and conditional rendering. By the end you will have built a complete multi and single player connect-4 game board with built-in AI capabilities.

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In the final section of the course we further unleash the power of React by building out a complete e-commerce site with multiple product categories, a product showcase, shopping cart feature, and much more. Here, we introduce a number of integral new concepts including: JSON server, Fetch API, and installing React router. These essential building blocks will be used to render the product categories, style the product list, and configure the product details page. From there we dive into styled components, refactoring the shop layout, and exploring the concept of “context” in React. In the final stages of the project students will configure the shopping cart basket, and the checkout feature. We will also implement a product search feature, followed by in-depth exercises on validating input forms in React.

As you can see this course covers a tremendous bit of ground. Best of all it’s co-authored by Tim Maclachlan – a renowned senior full-stack developer with over 20 years of commercial development experience. As a multi-faceted developer, Tim specializes in algorithmic, analytical and mobile development. To date, he’s written hundreds of applications and worked in a number of industries from commercial aviation and military, to banking and finance. Tim has a genuine passion for teaching others how to become better coders and looks forward to interacting with his students.

With that said, we hope you’re just as excited about this course as we are, if so – hit that enroll button and let’s get started.



Intro to the Document Object Model

DOM Introduction
DOM Manipulation

JavaScript Development

JS Placement
External JavaScript
JavaScript Output
JavaScript InnerHTML
JavaScript Commenting
JavaScript Constants
JavaScript Variables Introduction
JavaScript Assignment Operator
JavaScript Arithmetic Operations
JavaScript Arithmetic Operations Continued
JavaScript Operator Precedence
JavaScript Data Types
JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Object Output
JavaScript Strings
JavaScript String Length
JavaScript Special Characters
JavaScript Random Numbers
JavaScript Min and Max Function
JavaScript Math Round Function
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript Array Attributes
JavaScript Arrays – Pop – Push – Shift – Unshift
JavaScript Changing and Deleting Elements
JavaScript Splicing an Array
JavaScript Sorting an Array
JavaScript Joining Arrays
JavaScript Conditional Statements
JavaScript Comparisons
JavaScript Booleans
JavaScript For Loops
JavaScript For-In Loop
JavaScript While Loops
JavaScript Do-While Loop
JavaScript Break and Continue
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Events
JavaScript Project 1 – BG Color Changer
JavaScript Project 2 – Photo Gallery
JavaScript Project 2 – Completion


Introduction to XML
XML Basics
XML Schema
XML Parsing
XML Parsing Continued
Introduction to AJAX
AJAX | Search Suggest Tutorial
AJAX | Database Select Menu Tutorial


Skills Required
What is React?

Build a Calculator in React

Project Overview
Hello React
Tools Needed
Code Pen
Intro to JSX
Functional Components in React
Why Components?
Intro to Props in React
React Components, Props and Callbacks
Building the calculator visuals
OnClick Events in React
Passing Parameters in Callback Functions
Using React State Hook
Implementing the calculator – Display
Implementing the calculator – Operators
Debugging in React
Project Summary

React Project: Build a Connect-4 Clone

Project Overview
Tools Needed
Creating the Game Board
Game Circle – OnClickEvent
Passing Props – Destructing – React Children
Passing Arguments to Click Events
Inline Styling
Square to Circle Component
Global Styling
Dynamic Styling
Dynamic Classes
Handling Callbacks
Using React State Hook (again)
Updating the Player Circle
Initializing the Game Board
React Key Property
Styling the Game Board – Header and Footer
Calculating the Winner
Displaying the Winner
Determining a Draw Condition
React Lifecycle Events
Initializing the Game
Suggesting a Move – Implementing a Computer Player
Smart Computer Player (Basic AI)
CSS Variables
Conditional Rendering
Deploy to Netlify
Deploy to Surge
Project Summary

React Project: Build an E-Commerce Site in React

Project Overview
Scaffolding the Project
Intro to JSON Server
Fetch API
Styling the Store
Rendering the Categories
Binding the Products
Refactor the Fetch API call
Dealing with errors in Fetch API
Tidy the Fetch API call
Styling the Product List
Installing React Router
Fixing the Key Warning
React Router – Detail Page
Fetch API – Get Product By Id
Product Description
Intro to Styled Components
Styled Components – Product Description
Dangerously Set HTML (yeah really)
Refactor the Categories
Refactor the Layout
Refactor the Home Page
Intro to Context in React
UseContext Hook and UseReducer Hook in React
Basket Layout
Implementing the Basket
Implementing Basket Icons
Implementing Basket Total
Finishing the Checkout
Checkout – Fixing the State
Implementing the Order Confirmation
Intro to Local Storage
Implementing Search Results
Better Searching with Debouncing
Validating Forms in React – Part 1
Validating Forms in React – Part 2
Validating Forms in React – Part 3
Validating Forms in React – Part 4
Project Summary