Complete Google Slides Course – Create Stunning Slides

Create Google Slides – Your Presentations Can Captivate – Beginner to Advanced – Wow the Audience

What you will learn

Design compelling and visually-appealing presentations

Customize preset templates, diagrams, and etc

Combining basic skills to create more advanced designs

Quick wins & resources to help better your presentations

Share & collaborate on slideshows from the comfort of your own home


Welcome to The Complete Google Slides Course. This course will teach you to understand how to use and design stunning slideshows using the Google application Google Slides.

Google Slides is a free presentation software that allows you to design visually-appealing presentations for both a professional and casual setting. When compared to Microsoft Powerpoint, Slides offers the benefit of simplicity. With its various templates and themes, it can be as simple as plugging text into the provided text boxes. However, you can take your presentation one step further by adding in customizations. By inserting images, animations, transitions, charts, and diagrams you can amaze your audience!

As a complete Google Slides course, this course will start from the basics; first covering the benefits of why you should use Google Slides and how to set up a presentation from either scratch or from a template. It will then segment into the design functions of Google Slides. The lessons from this section include understanding how to use the text box, how to create charts, how to insert links, and more. The learning portion of the course is then closed off with videos teaching more advanced/ not widely known functions. Here you will learn how to edit a master to further customize your slides, insert attention-grabbing diagrams to display data, and apply image masks to morph photos. In addition, quick wins are scattered across these three sections to provide more tips on how to create stunning, captivating presentations.

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Sometimes Google Slides’ simple user interface misleads users to not take full advantage of the offered tools. Therefore there is a section that quickly walks through creating a few common slides to showcase how combining these simple and basic functions can lead you to stunning slideshows. Since presentations should be catered to their subject, these examples would not fit for every presentation topic. However, once you understand and become familiar with the tools on Google Slides, you will be able to follow your creativity and bring your slide visions to life.

Google Slides is a powerful application that allows you to design beautiful presentations for all occasions. This course will also show you how to strengthen your collaboration and communication skills so you can co-work on slideshows from the comforts of your own home. Some of the many things that you can make on Google Slides include:

  • Consulting proposals, case studies, stock pitches
  • Digital scrapbooks, portfolios, lookbooks
  • Lectures, projects, and etc.

Enroll to learn how to use Google Slides to create stunning presentations!



You Can Make And Deliver Great Google Slides

Complete Google Slides Course – Create Stunning Slides Promo Video

Google Slides Introduction & Basics

Why Google Slides?
Presentation Setup
Reminder! Your Google Slides Questions Are Answered Right Here
Themes & Backgrounds
Quick Win: Template Resources
Quick Win: Color Palette
Quick Win: Background Resources
Organizing Slides

Google Slides Design

Text Box & Aesthetics
Quick Win: Special Characters
Quick Win: Word Art
Quick Win: Keyboard Shortcuts
Images & Videos
Quick Win: Gifs
Shapes & Lines
Quick Win: Using Shapes for Numerical Data
Ordering/ Layering

More Advanced Google Slides Features

Master View
Image Masking
Quick Win: Image Masking Title Slides

Bringing It Together

Walk-Through: “The Team” Slide
Walk-Through: “About Us/ Main Idea” Slide
Walk-Through: “Timeline” Slide
Walk-Through: “Challenges” Slide
Walk-Through: “Results/ Reviews” Slide

Presenting & Sharing

Present Slideshow
Speaker Notes

Conclusion to Complete Google Slides Course – Create Stunning Slides

We Are Close to the Finish Line!
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Congratulations! You Now Have Mastery Over Google Slides