Communication Skills: Acquire Effective Communication

Master Communication Skills: Effective Communication is essential in both professional and personal life.

What you will learn

Learn effective communication skills.

Understand the value of different forms of communication.

Different aspects of communication and their importance.

Learn how to Interact with People from Different Cultures at Work

Learn how to Communicate Without Words in a Cross-Cultural Environment.

Discover how to talk more clearly to effectively convey your message to your audience.

Use tried-and-true methods to learn how to give presentations and talk to people in a way that gets their attention.

Learn how to use your body language and facial expressions to improve how you speak in any situation.

Understand out why knowing your audience is so important if you want to be a good public speaker or presenter.


Communication is the process of two or more individuals exchanging thoughts, views, facts, and feelings in such a way that each person arrives to an understanding of the message that is being delivered that is shared by all.

Being able to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly and present them in a well-organized format are invaluable skills in both your personal and professional lives.

In this course, you will study the building blocks of effective communication.

In this course, you will learn about

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  • What is Communication and its importance?
  • Types of communication and their purpose.
  • Ways of Communication.
  • Purpose and aspects of communication.
  • Importance of listening and its stages.
  • Listening for better management and great team performance.
  • Techniques for effective listening.
  • History of the concept of communication.
  • Importance  Of building  Rapport and small talk in conversation.
  • Become an effective speaker by choosing the right words.
  • Simple steps to expand your vocabulary.
  • Behavior’s over Character.
  • Role of voice and speaking style in communication.
  • Speak clearly and get your conversation flow right.
  • Oral Presentation: Types and purpose, etc.

After finishing this course, you will master the Fundamentals of Communication Skills.

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Enroll now and make the best use of this course.

Looking forward to seeing you in the course!



Understanding Communication: Types, Ways and Purpose.

What is Communication? why do we need it?
No One is a Born Communicator!
Types of Communication and their Purpose
Ways of Communication
Purpose and Aspects of Communication

Listening as a Way of Communicating

Importance of Listening
Interruptions are Game Spoiler
Basic Tenets of Communication
Communication is Not Isolated
Stages of Listening Process
Factors Affecting Listening
Listening for Better Management and Great Team Performance
Are your Conclusions wrong?
Put your ‘I’ in the Trash
Do you Tune-Out? Try this and Stay focused
What kind of Listener are you?
Techniques for Effective Listening
Be the person people want to talk to!
Indicate that you are Interested
Are you sure You’re Listening
History of Concept of Communication

Mastering the Art of Speaking

Charm of Conversations
Importance Of Building Rapport and Small Talk in Conversation
Success at Workplace
As a manager, is your Communication Style Correct?
Become an Inclusive Communicator
Become an Effective Speaker by Choosing Right Words
Simple steps to Expand your Vocabulary
A little Tweak: And overpowers But’, the Power of ‘yet’
You are Not the Centre of Universe
When to Use ‘I’ and When not to Use ‘You’
Help but dont Patronize
Thank you is All you Need
Stop Trying To Score Points
Are you Asking the Right Questions
Be ready for Surprises
Behaviour over Character
Dont be Harsh on yourself
Seek Advice and Rise
Understand when no one wants yours Advice
Role of Voice and Speaking Style in Communication
Speak clearly and get your Conversation Flow Right
The Unimpressive Verbal Fillers
Guide your Voice
Do you fear Public Speaking?
Is your Speaking giving the Desired Result ?
Grab the Attention
Cliches are Boring
Agenda before Content
Tell, tell and tell again!
Speak with Your Eyes
Have you Prepared well?
Are Jokes Good Enough?
Create Content for those in Front of you
Speak with Style
Your Talk is your Personal Film
Are you Practicing the Right way?
Get Confidence in your Voice
Oral Presentation: Types and Purposes
Conquer your Anxiety
Keep the Audience under your Spell!
You are your own master
Expressing your Ideas for Effective Persuasion
Correct Behaviour for Correct Persuasion
Group Discussions
How to Make Meetings Work
Be an Active Participant in a Meeting
Are you Communicating Right in your New Job
How to Give Feedback
Reading can’t be Ignored
Reading for Workplace
Connect with Others and Remain Humble
Writing for Effective Communication
Resume Writing
Words and style to be used in resume
The crux of all

Bonus Course : Body Language

Body language
Smiles and Laughter
Body orientation (DO’S_Merge)
Body language in interviews and workplace
Personal Responsibility