Cloud-Powered Web App Development with AWS and PHP

AWS Foundations | IAM | Amazon EC2 | Load Balancing | Auto-Scaling Groups | Route 53 | PHP | MySQL | App Deployment

What you will learn

Understanding of cloud computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Proficiency in creating and configuring AWS accounts and environments

Knowledge of AWS pricing and billing models

Mastery of Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and permissions

Ability to launch and configure Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances

Familiarity with security groups, key pairs, and Elastic IP addresses

Competency in using AWS storage services, such as Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Simple Storage Service (S3)

Expertise in creating and using Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) for load balancing and scaling web applications

Knowledge of DNS management using Route 53

Proficiency in PHP programming language fundamentals

Ability to interact with databases using PHP and execute SQL queries

Understanding of PHP security best practices, including SQL injection prevention and user authentication

Ability to design and implement a database schema for a web application

Mastery of PHP scripting to interact with a database and implement user authentication using sessions and cookies

Competency in creating a simple blog interface using HTML and CSS and protecting the blog content using PHP authentication.

Students will gain practical experience in creating and deploying a member-only blog with user authentication using PHP and MySQL on AWS.


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to cloud computing using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and web application development using PHP and MySQL. Students will gain an overview of AWS and its core services, including EC2 and storage, before delving into IAM: Identity and Access Management, which enables control of access to AWS resources. Students also learn how to launch EC2 instances, store data in AWS, and use Elastic Load Balancers (ELB), Auto Scaling Groups (ASG), and Route 53 to create a highly available and scalable web application.

The course begins with an explanation of AWS, its benefits, and services offered, with a focus on creating an AWS account, configuring an AWS environment, and understanding billing and pricing models. Students then learn about IAM policies, permissions, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to manage users, groups, and roles for AWS resource access control.

The course proceeds to cover AWS compute service, EC2, which allows virtual servers in the cloud, and provides flexibility and scalability for web applications. The course teaches how to create an EC2 instance, connect to it using SSH, and configure it for web applications, as well as information about security groups, key pairs, and Elastic IP addresses. Additionally, students learn about AWS storage, including Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and how to use them to store and manage data.

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The course then covers ELB, ASG, and Route 53, which provide load balancing, automatic scaling, and DNS management, respectively. Students learn how to use ELB to distribute incoming traffic to multiple EC2 instances, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. They will also learn how to use ASG to add or remove EC2 instances based on demand and use Route 53 to manage DNS records for their web application.

The next section of the course teaches the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL, including variables, control structures, loops, functions, and how to interact with databases using PHP. Students learn how to create and execute queries, fetch results, and handle errors, as well as PHP security best practices, including SQL injection prevention and user authentication.

Finally, students will apply what they have learned by creating a member-only blog with user authentication using PHP and MySQL. They will learn how to design a database schema, create PHP scripts to interact with the database, and implement user authentication using sessions and cookies. They will also learn how to create a simple blog interface using HTML and CSS and how to protect the blog content using PHP authentication.

In summary, this course provides students with a solid foundation in AWS, web application development using PHP and MySQL, and the skills necessary to design, develop, and deploy web applications in the cloud using AWS. By the end of the course, students will understand AWS core services, IAM, EC2, storage, and load balancing and be able to use them to create highly available and scalable web applications.



Getting Started with AWS

AWS Pricing Foundations
AWS Free Tier Overview
AWS Acceptable Use Policy
AWS Account Registration
AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam – Key Topics
AWS Global vs. Regional Services
Global vs. Regional Services Example
Creating Billing Alerts
AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Activate MFA for the Root User Account
Creating IAM Users and Groups
IAM User Custom Sign-In Link
Configure a Custom Password Policy

IAM: Identity and Access Management

Intro to IAM
Introduction to IAM Mechanics
IAM Mechanics (Theory)
IAM Users
Introduction to Managing IAM Users
IAM Administration (Guide) (Listing, Deleting Users & Accounts)
Managing Permissions for IAM Users
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 1)
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 2)
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 3)
IAM Groups
IAM Group Administration
IAM Groups (LAB Exercise)
IAM Policies
IAM Inline Policies (Guide)
IAM Custom Policies
IAM Custom Policies (Guide)
IAM Roles
IAM Roles (Practical Guide)
IAM Authentication and Security
Rotating Access Keys
IAM Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
IAM Credentials Report (Guide)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Introduction to EC2
EC2 Instance Core Features
EC2 Instance Types
Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
Creating an IAM User for EC2
The EC2 Dashboard
Deploying an EC2 Instance
Deploying an EC2 Instance (Continued)
EC2 Instances Console
Elastic IP (Theory)
Elastic IP (Guide)
EC2 Instance Administration (Guide)
EC2 Instance Launch Templates
Creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
IAM Roles for EC2 (Guide)
Introduction to Security Groups
Security Groups (Guide)
Secure Socket Shell (SSH) Overview
PuTTY (SSH) Client for Windows
EC2 Instance Connect (Guide)

AWS Storage (EC2)

Block vs. File. vs Object Storage
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Overview
Amazon EBS Guide [Part 1]
Amazon EBS Guide [Part 2]
EBS Snapshots Overview
EBS Snapshots (Guide)
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Amazon AMI Guide [Part 1]
Amazon AMI Guide [Part 2]
Amazon EC2 Image Builder
Amazon EC2 Image Builder Guide [Part 1]
Amazon EC2 Image Builder Guide [Part 2]
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
Deploy an EC2 Instance with Ubuntu (Guide)
Creating an EFS (Guide)
Attach EFS to EC2 (Guide)
Upload Files to EFS via FTP (Guide)
Attach EFS to Second EC2 Instance (Guide)
Account Cleanup

ELB, ASG, Route 53

High Availability & Elasticity
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Overview
Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)
ELB + ASG Prep: Setup AMI from EC2
ELB Deployment (Guide)
Creating a Launch Template (Guide)
Auto Scaling Groups (Guide)
Auto Scaling Strategies
Dynamic Scaling (Guide)
Step and Simple Scaling (Guide)
Predictive Scaling (Guide)
Creating a Launch Template (Guide)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Guide
Amazon Route 53 & DNS Foundations (Guide)
Route 53 Domain Registration & Routing (Guide)
Route 53 Domain Settings and Hosted Zones
Route 53 DNS Records in the Hosted Zone
Account Clean-Up

PHP Foundations

PHP Introduction
PHP Preparation
PHP File Test
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP Variable Scope
PHP Global Keyword
PHP Static Keyword
PHP Echo vs Print
PHP Data Types
PHP Objects
PHP Strings
PHP Constants
PHP Operators
PHP Conditional Statements
PHP ElseIf Statement
PHP Switch Statement
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Functions Continued
PHP Arrays
PHP Multidimensional Arrays
PHP Sorting Arrays
PHP Superglobal Variables
PHP Forms Introduction
PHP POST vs GET Basics
PHP Form Output and Validation
PHP Form Required Fields
PHP Validation Continued

MySQL (MariaDB) Foundations

Introduction to MySQL Databases
Introduction PhpMyAdmin
PhpMyAdmin Interface Overview
MySQL Security and Root Superuser
MySQL Creating a Database and Table
MySQL Creating a New User
MySQL Database and Table Specific Privileges
MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Table
MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Database
Introduction to SQL
SQL Statements in PhpMyAdmin
Connect to MySQL Database using PHP
MySQL Database – Import Data
SQL Select
SQL Distinct Keyword
SQL Where Clause
SQL And Operator
SQL Or Operator
SQL Order By
MySQL Insert Into
MySQL Get Last ID
MySQL Insert Multiple Records
MySQL Prepared Statements
MySQL Delete Records
PHP Header Function
PHP Isset
MySQL Update Records

Project: Create a Blog with User Authentication (PHP, MySQL)

Introduction & Overview
Project Setup
Index Page Overview
Home Page Mods
About Page Mods
Blog Page Mods
MySQL Database Creation
Creating a Registration Form
Registration Status using JavaScript and AJAX
PHP Validation – Encryption – Session
Login Authentication – Part 1
Login Authentication – Part 2
Login Authentication – Part 3
Login Authentication – Part 4
Logout – Terminate Session
Contact Page – Google Maps API
Contact Form – AJAX Integration
PHPMailer Installation
PHP Form Validation and Email Transmission