Climate Change Knowledge Management

How to Leverage 25,000 Hours of Knowledge Curation with the Climate Web

What you will learn

Understand the structure of the Climate Web

Understand the capabilities of the Climate Web

Understand the various options for accessing the Climate Web with TheBrain software

Understand how to leverage 500+ Insights Pages, and 1000+ Dashboards in the Climate Web


The Climate Web, using powerful TheBrain knowledge management software and incorporating 25,000 hours of knowledge curation, is the closest thing today to a collective climate change intelligence. The Climate Web offers you a shortcut to the work and thinking of thousands of Individuals and organizations when it comes to understand the problem of climate change, and options for tackling and solving climate change.

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  • The course walks you through how the Climatographers add information to the Climate Web on an almost daily basis,
  • The course walks you through the basic structure of the Climate Web, and how you can easily know what kind of information you’re looking at based on graphical icons and text colors.
  • The course introduces you to the Climate Web’s key features and capabilities, including its advanced knowledge curation.  For example, the Climate Web includes 500+ Insights pages, and 1000+ topical dashboards, each allowing you to save hours of your own time in exploring climate change topics.
  • The course illustrates the different ways to take advantage of the Climate Web, including on-line access, mobile device access, and desktop or laptop access.
  • The course explains the various ways you can find what you’re looking for in the Climate Web, including TheBrain’s search function, Table of Contents Pages, and the Climate Web’s comprehensive index with more than 3,000 index entries



Introduction to the Climate Web User Guide
Introducing the Climate Web Using TheBrain Software Platform

Organizing Climate Knowledge

Taming the Information Chaos of Climate Change
Basic Structure of the Climate Web
Advanced Knowledge Curation in the Climate Web

Finding What You’re Looking For

Searching the Climate Web
Using the Climate Web’s Index to Navigate Climate Change

Advanced Climate Web Capabilities

Advanced Climate Web Capabilities
Demonstrating Pre-Set Search Terms in the Climate Web

Accessing the Climate Web

Accessing the Climate Web
Mobile Access to the Climate Web
Free vs. Subscription Versions of TheBrain Software