C# Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals

Learn C#, object-oriented programming (OOP), Classes, Properties, Methods, Generics and Collections.

What you will learn

Use Properties and Methods for Proper Class Design

Use inheritance to cut down the amount of code you need to write

Learn to control the visibility and the lifetime of data

Raise and consume events from your classes

Eliminate multiple methods by using a generic method

Learn to manipulate generic collections

Create your own class libraries for a proper N-Tier application


When programming C#, or any .NET language for that matter, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a required skill. This course provides you with the skills you need to master OOP in C#. In this course you are given a high-level overview of OOP terms before you drill down into each concept.

Creating classes with properties and methods is the first step in understanding OOP. Next, you learn how to use inheritance effectively to reduce the amount of code you write. Best practices around the scope of variables, classes, properties, and methods are also illustrated with several demos. Creating your own generic methods and classes will also greatly reduce the amount of code you need to write. Using the built-in .NET generic collections makes working with sets of data a breeze. Finally, you learn how to create your own class libraries.

How Are You Going To Learn All This?

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All the demos you are shown during this course are backed up with a set of labs for you to perform. Walking through these labs step-by-step ensures that you understand the concepts illustrated in each lesson.

  • ~40 demos
  • ~30 questions
  • ~30 hands-on labs

Who am I?

My name is Paul D. Sheriff and I have been teaching developers since 1986 through video, blogs, articles, speaking at major conferences and user groups, and in-person training at small and enterprise (Fortune 500) companies. My students have said I have an easy-going manner and have a talent for breaking complicated topics into an easy-to-understand format. I consistently have very high ratings on my courses. I believe you need to learn by doing and that is why I offer so many hands-on labs within my courses.



C# OOP Fundamentals Class Preview

C# OOP Fundamentals Class Preview

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

What is a Class?
What is an Object?
Properties, Methods and Access Modifiers
Namespaces and Events
Static vs Instance
Constructors, Destructors and Unmanaged Resources
Test your knowledge of OOP Terminology

Use Properties to Hold Data in Your Classes

Property Naming and Syntax
Create a Console Application
Create Auto-Properties in a Product Class
Alternate Method of Instantiating and Initializing Objects
Create a Full Property
Create a Read-Only Property
Use an Expression Body Definition
Self-Paced Lab: Create application and Product class and add properties to class
Test your knowledge of Properties
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Manipulate Property Data Using Methods

Using and Naming Methods
Create a Void Method
Create a Method to Return a Value
Create Constructors to Initialize Data
Use Constants for Hard-Coded Data
Parameters, Arguments and Overloading
Optional Parameters
Named Parameters
Passing Arguments to a Constructor
Call Parameters by Value
Call Parameters by Reference
Using Output Parameters
Self-Paced Lab: Add methods to class, create constructors and pass parameters.
Test your knowledge of Using Methods and Parameters
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Inheritance Makes it Easy to Reuse Code

Inheritance Terminology
Create a Person Class
Inherit from the Person Class
Override the ToString() Method
Override Your Own Method
Create a Customer Class that Inherits from Person
Self-Paced Lab: Create a class, inherit from it and override methods.
Test your knowledge of Inheritance
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Additional Inheritance Concepts

Interface Inheritance
Demonstration of Interface Inheritance
Working with Abstract Classes
Stopping Inheritance Using a Sealed Class
What Type of Inheritance to Use?
Self-Paced Lab: Create an interface and a abstract class.
Test your knowledge of Interfaces, Abstract and Sealed
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Control the Visibility and Lifetime of Data

Scope and Access Modifiers
Block Level Scope of Variables
Method Level Scope
Class Level Scope of Variables
Protected Scope of Variables
Scope of Methods
Scope of Classes
The Static Modifier
Create a Static Class
Create a Partial Class
Self-Paced Lab: Control the scope of variables and methods and use static
Test your knowledge of Scoping Rules and Static Classes
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Raising and Consuming Events

Create an Event in a Class
Consume an Event Raised from a Class
Create a Custom EventArgs Class
Consume and Use Data From Custom EventArgs Class
Self-Paced Lab: Create and Consume Events from a Class
Test your knowledge of Creating and Consuming Events
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in Section

Generics Eliminate Code Bloat

What is a Generic and Why Use Them
Demonstration of Not Using Generics
Create Generic Method to Replace Multiple Methods
Creating and Using a Generic Class
Self-Paced Lab: Creating and Using Generics
Test your knowledge of Generics
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in section

Generic Collections Provide Great Features

Features of Collections and the Limitations of Arrays
Creating and Adding Data to a Generic List
Remove Data From a Generic List
Find an Item in a Generic List Using a Lambda Expression
Extract a Subset of Data Using a Lambda Expression
Self-Paced Lab: Practice Working with Generic Collections
Test your knowledge of Using Generic Collections
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in section

Create Your Own Class Libraries

The Most Common Types of Class Libraries to Create
How Each Type of Class Library is Used
Advantages of Class Libraries and a Common Library
Create the Common Class Library
What to Put into MVC and WPF Class Libraries
Self-Paced Lab: Creating Class Libraries
Test your knowledge of Class Libraries
Resource: Finished Lab Samples
Resource: Sample Code Demonstrated in section