Build and Deploy Responsive Websites on AWS using HTML & CSS

AWS Foundations | IAM | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | AWS Storage (EC2) | ELB | ASG | Route 53 | HTML | CSS

What you will learn

Understanding of the AWS cloud computing platform, its core services, and deployment models.

Familiarity with the AWS Management Console and the AWS command line interface.

Ability to manage users, groups, roles, and policies in IAM to grant and restrict access to AWS resources.

Knowledge of AWS security best practices, including multi-factor authentication, encryption, and audit logging.

Capability to launch, configure, and manage EC2 instances, including creating custom AMIs and working with EBS volumes.

Ability to use ELB to distribute incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances and ASG to automatically adjust capacity based on demand.

Knowledge of Route 53 to manage DNS and domain names.

Familiarity with basic HTML and CSS for web development.

Ability to create basic HTML pages and style and layout content with CSS.

Understanding of responsive design principles to create web pages that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Hands-on experience with labs and projects that reinforce concepts learned in class.

Proficiency in using AWS services to build scalable and secure web applications.

Preparedness to pursue further study in AWS and web development.

Knowledge of best practices for building fault-tolerant and scalable applications.

Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in a team-based environment.


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and web development fundamentals. The first part of the course covers AWS Foundations, which includes an overview of the AWS cloud computing platform, its core services, and the various deployment models. Students will learn how to navigate the AWS Management Console and use the AWS command line interface to manage and provision resources.

The course then dives into IAM: Identity and Access Management, a fundamental concept in AWS security. Students will learn how to manage users, groups, roles, and policies to grant and restrict access to AWS resources. They will also explore AWS security best practices, including multi-factor authentication, encryption, and audit logging.

Next, the course covers Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), a core AWS service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Students learn how to launch, configure, and manage EC2 instances, including choosing the right instance type, creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), and working with Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes.

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The course then moves on to AWS Storage (EC2), which covers the various storage options available in AWS. Students will learn about Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic File System (EFS), and Amazon Glacier, and how to use them to store and retrieve data in the cloud.

From there, we dive into ELB, ASG, and Route 53, which are essential AWS services for building scalable and fault-tolerant applications. Students learn how to use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances, Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) to automatically adjust capacity based on demand, and Route 53 to manage DNS and domain names.

Finally, the course introduces HTML and CSS Foundations, the building blocks of modern web development. Students will learn how to create basic HTML pages and use CSS to style and layout content. They will also explore responsive design principles and learn how to create web pages that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Throughout the course, students will work on hands-on labs and projects that reinforce the concepts we explore. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of AWS fundamentals, web development basics, and how to use AWS services to build scalable and secure web applications. They will also be well-prepared to pursue further study in AWS and web development.



Getting Started with AWS

AWS Pricing Foundations
AWS Free Tier Overview
AWS Acceptable Use Policy
AWS Account Registration
AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam – Key Topics
AWS Global vs. Regional Services
Global vs. Regional Services Example
Creating Billing Alerts
AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Activate MFA for the Root User Account
Creating IAM Users and Groups
IAM User Custom Sign-In Link
Configure a Custom Password Policy

IAM: Identity and Access Management

Intro to IAM
Introduction to IAM Mechanics
IAM Mechanics (Theory)
IAM Users
Introduction to Managing IAM Users
IAM Administration (Guide) (Listing, Deleting Users & Accounts)
Managing Permissions for IAM Users
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 1)
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 2)
Changing IAM User Permissions (Method 3)
IAM Groups
IAM Group Administration
IAM Groups (LAB Exercise)
IAM Policies
IAM Inline Policies (Guide)
IAM Custom Policies
IAM Custom Policies (Guide)
IAM Roles
IAM Roles (Practical Guide)
IAM Authentication and Security
Rotating Access Keys
IAM Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
IAM Credentials Report (Guide)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Introduction to EC2
EC2 Instance Core Features
EC2 Instance Types
Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
Creating an IAM User for EC2
The EC2 Dashboard
Deploying an EC2 Instance
Deploying an EC2 Instance (Continued)
EC2 Instances Console
Elastic IP (Theory)
Elastic IP (Guide)
EC2 Instance Administration (Guide)
EC2 Instance Launch Templates
Creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
IAM Roles for EC2 (Guide)
Introduction to Security Groups
Security Groups (Guide)
Secure Socket Shell (SSH) Overview
PuTTY (SSH) Client for Windows
EC2 Instance Connect (Guide)

AWS Storage (EC2)

Block vs. File. vs Object Storage
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Overview
Amazon EBS Guide [Part 1]
Amazon EBS Guide [Part 2]
EBS Snapshots Overview
EBS Snapshots (Guide)
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Amazon AMI Guide [Part 1]
Amazon AMI Guide [Part 2]
Amazon EC2 Image Builder
Amazon EC2 Image Builder Guide [Part 1]
Amazon EC2 Image Builder Guide [Part 2]
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
Deploy an EC2 Instance with Ubuntu (Guide)
Creating an EFS (Guide)
Attach EFS to EC2 (Guide)
Upload Files to EFS via FTP (Guide)
Attach EFS to Second EC2 Instance (Guide)
Account Cleanup

ELB, ASG, Route 53

High Availability & Elasticity
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Overview
Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)
ELB + ASG Prep: Setup AMI from EC2
ELB Deployment (Guide)
Creating a Launch Template (Guide)
Auto Scaling Groups (Guide)
Auto Scaling Strategies
Dynamic Scaling (Guide)
Step and Simple Scaling (Guide)
Predictive Scaling (Guide)
Creating a Launch Template (Guide)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Guide
Amazon Route 53 & DNS Foundations (Guide)
Route 53 Domain Registration & Routing (Guide)
Route 53 Domain Settings and Hosted Zones
Route 53 DNS Records in the Hosted Zone
Account Clean-Up

HTML Foundations

Introduction to HTML
Basic Structure of a Web Page
HTML Head Tags
HTML Body Tag
HTML Paragraph Spacing
HTML Line Breaks
HTML Non-Breaking Space
HTML Header Tags
HTML Text Formatting and Decoration
HTML Inline Text Formatting
HTML Unordered Lists
HTML Ordered Lists
HTML Image Insertion
HTML Embedding Videos
HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing
HTML Link Creation
HTML Anchor Tags
HTML Tables
HTML Nested Tables
HTML Merging Cells
HTML Text Wrapping
HTML Table Background Image
HTML Cell Alignment
HTML – Introduction to Forms
HTML Form Tags and Attributes
HTML Forms – Post vs Get
HTML Forms – Input Text Fields
HTML Forms – Select Menus
HTML Forms – Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
HTML Forms – Text Areas and Buttons
HTML Iframes
HTML Project – Introduction
HTML Project – Header
HTML Project – Callout
HTML Project – Image Insertion
HTML Project – Text Insertion
HTML Project – Links and Form
HTML Project – Tabular Data
HTML Project – Footer

CSS Foundations

Introduction to CSS
Parts of a CSS Rule
Types of CSS Rules
CSS – Color Names and Codes
CSS Classes and Spans
CSS Divisions – DIVs
CSS Margins
CSS Padding
CSS Text Properties
CSS Font Properties
CSS Borders
CSS Backgrounds
CSS Transparency
CSS Text on Top of Images
CSS Width and Height Properties
CSS Display Properties
CSS Static Positioning
CSS Relative Positioning
CSS Absolute Positioning
CSS Fixed Positioning
CSS Float Property
CSS Clear Property
CSS Z-Index
CSS Styling Links
CSS Tables
CSS Project – Introduction
CSS Project – CSS Rules
CSS Project – Navigation Rules
CSS Project – Responsive CSS
CSS Project – Page Elements