Brand Marketing Strategy Excellence to become Brand Manager

One of Brand Management Courses; Learn from Global Best like Apple, Coke about concept, awareness, product branding etc.

What you will learn

What is Brand Management vs Product Management

Detailed case studies of Five of the Top Brand Management companies like Apple, Coca Cola etc

What are the Brand Management Excellence Requirements

How to meet these requirements


Want to become a Best Brand Strategist /Manager?

Take a look at this course where you will

· Not only learn how to successfully build a brand using a a lot of examples and case studies but also

· Get a post course support to actual develop one of your brands.

· Preview many lectures for free to see the content for yourself

· Clear your doubts on this topic any time while doing the course

· Get Udemy’s 30 days Money Back Guarantee

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My real life exposure to brand management began only after I become a Product Manager in Lipton for four leaf tea brand- Green Label, Richbru, Tiger and Yellow Label. I had great opportunity to work on building four brands!

And here the realities of life starting hitting with the management only focusing on building Green Label and Tiger. More was to come when I realized that it take a lot of effort and time to even build a established brand like Green Label

Leaned a lot more about brand building in J&J where I worked for 16 years and saw many right things being done that continued to establish existing brand like Johnson’s Baby and new ones like Stayfree.

And Finally my own recent research into what made Apple, Coca Cola, Volvo etc. top brands globally!

I bring in this course my learnings from my own experiences over 40 years in sharing with you how can you build a brand successfully

Preview for yourself many lectures free. If you like the content, enrol for the course, enjoy and skill yourself to build Brand Marketing Strategy Excellence to become Brand Manager! If don’t like the content, please message about how can we modify it to meet your expectations.

Please remember that this course comes with Udemy’s 30 days Money Back Guarantee using which you can get a full refund if you are not satisfied even after doing the full course






Overview I
Overview I
Overview II
Overview II

Brand Management Excellence Requirements

Brand Management Excellence Requirements I
Brand Management Excellence Requirements I
Excellence Requirements II
Excellence Requirements II
Excellence Requirements III
Excellence Requirement III- Nike Videos
Excellence Requirements III
Excellence Requirements IV
Excellence Requirements IV- Coca Cola Videos
Excellence Requirements IV
Excellence Requirements V
Excellence Requirements V- Airbnb Videos
Excellence Requirements V
Excellence Requirements VI
Excellence Requirements VI- Volvo Videos
Excellence Requirements VI

Building Emotional Connection

Building Emotional Connection I
Building Emotional Connection I
Building Emotional Connection II
Building Emotional Connection II
Building Emotional Connection III
Building Emotional Connection III – Salesforce Video
Building Emotional Connection III
Building Emotional Connection IV
Building Emotional Connection IV- Salesforce Video
Building Emotional Connection IV
Building Emotional Connection V
Building Emotional Connection V
Building Emotional Connection VI
Building Emotional Connection VI
Building Emotional Connection VII
Building Emotional Connection VII
Building Emotional Connection VIII
Building Emotional Connection VIII
Building Emotional Connection IX
Building Emotional Connection IX

Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion

Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion I
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion I
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion II
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion II
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion III
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion III
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion IV
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion IV
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion V
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion V
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VI
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VI
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VII
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VII
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VIII
Maintaining Consistency and Cohesion VIII

Emphasizing Innovation

Emphasizing Innovation I
Emphasizing Innovation I
Emphasizing Innovation II
Emphasizing Innovation II
Emphasizing Innovation III
Emphasizing Innovation III
Emphasizing Innovation IV
Emphasizing Innovation IV
Emphasizing Innovation V
Emphasizing Innovation V
Emphasizing Innovation VI
Emphasizing Innovation VI
Emphasizing Innovation VII
Emphasizing Innovation VII

Customer Centric Approach

Customer Centric Approach I
Customer Centric Approach I
Customer Centric Approach II
Customer Centric Approach II
Customer Centric Approach III
Customer Centric Approach III
Customer Centric Approach IV
Customer Centric Approach IV
Customer Centric Approach V
Customer Centric Approach V

Distinct Brand Values

Distinct Brand Values I
Distinct Brand Values I
Distinct Brand Values II
Distinct Brand Values II
Distinct Brand Values III
Distinct Brand Values III
Distinct Brand Values IV
Distinct Brand Values IV
Distinct Brand Values V
Distinct Brand Values V

Iconic Brand Symbols

Iconic Brand Symbols I
Iconic Brand Symbols I
Iconic Brand Symbols II
Iconic Brand Symbols II

Brand Advocacy and Partnership

Brand Advocacy and Partnership I
Brand Advocacy and Partnership I
Brand Advocacy and Partnership II
Brand Advocacy and Partnership II

Disruptive Strategies

Disruptive Strategies I
Disruptive Strategies I
Disruptive Strategies II
Disruptive Strategies II

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility I
Social Responsibility I
Social Responsibility II
Social Responsibility II

Evolving with the Times

Evolving with the Times I
Evolving with the Times I
Evolving with the Times II
Evolving with the Times II

