Attachment Styles 101: Love, Relationship & Dating Course

Release Toxic Patterns & Build Better Relationships in All Areas of Your Life

What you will learn

have a fundamental understanding of your attachment style

understand why you are attracted to specific people

identify unhealthy patterns in your relationships & release them

gain tools and techniques to work on making your attachment style more secure


If you want to experience healthy and loving relationships in your life, you absolutely must understand your and other people’s attachment styles.

During this course, you will learn about all the attachment styles, and the tools you need in order to move from any insecure attachment style towards secure ways of relating.

During this course we will

  • deeply explore each attachment style, the challenges and the gifts they bring into adult relationships
  • dive deep into what we can do for ourselves, as we discover our attachment style
  • learn what we can do, while dating or while being in a relationship with a person with a specific attachment style

By the end of this course you will

  • have a fundamental understanding of your attachment style, where it comes from and how it impacts who you are attracted to
  • be able to identify unhealthy patterns in your relationships & release them
  • gain tools and techniques to work on making your attachment style more secure

This will fundamentally transform the quality of your relationships.

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You do not need any prior knowledge to take this course

The only requirement for this course is your desire to create fulfilling relationships in your life and your willingness to make the necessary changes in your life, based on what you will learn during the course.

This course will be valuable for you, if you want to transform relationships in any area of your life:

  • your romantic relationship (it’s the main focus of the course)
  • your workplace relationships
  • your relationships with your family members and friends, and even with your kids 🙂

The course includes

  • 26 x value-packed videos ( 3- 5 minutes each)
  • 3 PDF attachments with affirmations, comforting words for each attachment style, as well as self-reflection questions
  • 1 PDF document with links to attachment styles quizzes online
  • 1 PDF document with valuable resources, which you can explore after the course


Introduction to the course

Welcome message
Course structure

About Attachment Styles

What are attachment styles and how are they developed?
Important points to consider

Descriptions of Attachment Styles

Secure attachment style – description
Anxious attachment style – description
Avoidant attachment style – description
Disorganized attachment style – description

You CAN Change

You CAN change your attachment style

What to do if you have an Anxious Attachment Style?

Part 1 – What to do if you have an Anxious attachment style?
Part 2 – What to do if you have an Anxious attachment style?
Part 3 – What to do if you have an Anxious attachment style?

What to do if you have an Avoidant Attachment Style?

Part 1 – What to do if you have an Avoidant attachment style?
Part 2 – What to do if you have an Avoidant attachment style?
Part 3 – What to do if you have an Avoidant attachment style?

What to do if you have a Disorganized Attachment Style?

Part 1 – What to do if you have a Disorganized attachment style?
Part 2 – What to do if you have a Disorganized attachment style?
Part 3 – What to do if you have a Disorganized attachment style?

Dating people with specific attachment styles

Dating a person with an avoidant attachment style
Dating a person with an anxious attachment style
Dating a person with a disorganized attachment style

Why are you attracted to specific people?

Reasons for attraction
Reasons for attraction – Anxious Attachment Style
Reasons for attraction – Avoidant Attachment Style
Reasons for attraction – Disorganized Attachment Style

Conflict resolution between people with Anxious & Avoidant Attachment Styles

“The Anxious – Avoidant Dance”

What is our role in each other’s transformation?

What do we need to fully heal?

Affirmations, comforting words & self-reflection questions

For Anxious attachment style
For Avoidant attachment style
For Disorganized attachment style

Conclusion & the next steps

Conclusion & the next steps
Books to explore after the course