Approaches & Strategies for the Popular Music Guitarist

Popular Music Guitar – Music theory, Songwriting, Composition, Melodies

What you will learn

Understand basic music theory for composing lead lines

Understand professional standard approaches and strategies for writing popular music lead guitar lines

Develop skills for composition and melodic creation

Develop an understanding of expression and creativity


This course will deliver lessons on approaches and strategies for popular music guitarists. Section one will be a theory primer designed to give you relevant information to communicate throughout the course. This section will cover the major, minor, pentatonic major and pentatonic minor scale before covering major and minor triads. Section two will deliver lessons on creating melodies and lead guitar parts for songs covering intuition and purpose, how to find and create melodies using the voice, chord tone approaches, triad approaches and also discuss genre specific tones and effects for guitarists. This section will demonstrate how to effectively create melodies, build on them and turn them into sophisticated guitar parts.

This course is aimed at guitarists who are fairly knew to songwriting and feel they lack the confidence and ability to methodically approach the scenario in which you are required to write a lead lead for an original piece of music. If you are a guitarist who is not knew to songwriting but feel like you need some fresh approaches and strategies then this course will also be beneficial for you.

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If you are a beginner guitarist section one can serve as an introduction to music theory for guitar and lead you to discovering skills for songwriting as a creative practice.



Section One: Theory Primer

Course Introduction
The Major Scale
The Minor Scale
The Pentatonic Major Scale
The Pentatonic Minor Scale
Major Triads
Minor Triads

Approaches & Strategies for Composing Lead Lines

Intention and Purpose
Find & Create Melodies Using The Voice
Chord Tone Approach
Triad Approach
Genre Specific Guitar Tones

