Implement and Break: Mastering Fundamental Cryptographic Protocols And find understand math formula vulnerability in alg
What you will learn
Implement Diffie-Hellman key exchange – Students learn how the protocol works and implement it in code.
Implement a MITM attack on Diffie-Hellman – Students learn to intercept and decrypt communications.
Implement DH with negotiated groups, and detect malicious “g” parameters – Students learn to negotiate group parameters and defend against attacks.
Implement Secure Remote Password (SRP) – Students learn to establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel.
Break SRP with a zero key – Students learn to exploit a vulnerability in SRP protocol.
Implement an E=3 RSA Broadcast attack – Students learn how to perform a broadcast attack on RSA ciphertexts with small public exponents.
Lenth extension attacks with sha1 and mac
Byte at at time attack
_______course still on creation________
Welcome to Cryptography and Key Exchange, a Udemy course that will take you on a journey through the world of modern cryptography. In this course, you will learn how to implement and break some of the most fundamental cryptographic protocols, including Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Secure Remote Password (SRP), and RSA encryption.
Through a series of hands-on programming challenges, you will gain a deep understanding of how these protocols work and how they can be attacked. You will learn how to implement them in code using a programming language like Python, and how to detect and defend against common cryptographic attacks like man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, dictionary attacks, and broadcast attacks.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:
- The principles of key exchange and how the Diffie-Hellman protocol works
- How to implement Diffie-Hellman key exchange in Python
- How to perform a MITM attack on Diffie-Hellman and how to defend against it
- How to negotiate group parameters for the Diffie-Hellman protocol and how to detect and defend against attacks using malicious “g” parameters
- The principles of password-authenticated key agreement (PAKE) protocols and how the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol works
- How to implement the SRP protocol in Python
- How to exploit vulnerabilities in the SRP protocol, including attacks using zero keys and dictionary attacks
- The principles of RSA encryption and how the RSA algorithm works
- How to implement RSA encryption in Python
- How to perform a broadcast attack on RSA ciphertexts with small public exponents and how to defend against it
By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the principles of modern cryptography and key exchange, and you will have gained practical experience in implementing and breaking some of the most fundamental cryptographic protocols.
Byte at a time attack
Diffie Hellmen key attacks
Hex theory and practical
Srp protocol and zeroattack
RSA and Chinese remainder theorm attack
Upadting other lectures soon ! Sha1 mac length extension attack