Applied Behavioural Analysis(ABA): Application and therapy

An Introduction to Skills Training for Practitioners

What you will learn

Understand ABA and the foundations on which it was built.

Understand the ABC model, its various components, and how these components interact to influence behaviour.

Understand and apply rules that make the components of ABC model effective at changing behaviour.

Understand basic techniques and methods used in ABA.

Examine how ABA can be applied to motor skills, language, cognitive and visuospatial skills.

Examine How ABA can be generalized (Theory).


Have you ever wondered…

Why does your child suddenly throw a tantrum without any obvious reason?
Why does your child suddenly scream while having lunch?

What interventions can you put in place to manage your child’s behaviour?

This specially crafted course will help you analyse the behaviour of special needs children. You will also learn some of the measures that you can take to deal with various situations.

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Some of the aspects you will understand through this course include:

– Basic techniques and methods used in Applied Behavioral Analysis

– Rules to increase the effectiveness of ABA

– How ABA can be applied to motor skills, language, cognitive and visuospatial skills

Be the catalyst for the change in their behaviors!



Introduction to ABA

Introduction to ABA

ABA Component Breakdown

ABA Component Breakdown

Rules when Applying ABA.

Rules when Applying ABA

Foundation Techniques of ABA

Foundation Techniques of ABA Part A

Quiz 1

Quiz 1

ABA for Motor Skills

ABA for Motor Skills

ABA for Language Skills

ABA for Language Skills

ABA for Cognitive Skills

ABA for Cognitive Skills

ABA for Visuospatial Skills

ABA for Visuospatial Skills

Quiz 2

Quiz 2

Generalization in ABA Theory

Generalization in ABA Theory

Quiz 3

Quiz 3