Advanced Strategies to Secure Better UpWork Clients

Use the strategies you learn to not only attract better UpWork clients, but to also expand your freelance career.

What you will learn

Identify your top freelancing skill.

Use a 3-tiered upsell to get better UpWork clients.

Increase your UpWork income.

Manage the money you earn as a freelancer.


You’ve probably been experiencing some success on Upwork. But, you’re looking for more. Maybe you want to become a full-time UpWork freelancer or you’re already a full-time UpWork freelancer looking for more income. This course is for you.

I am a Top Rated UpWork freelancer who understands how to get better UpWork clients using an upsell strategy. My background in finance has also helped me better manage my new income. Combining a great upsell with sound financial management will help you get the most out of your UpWork experience.

You’ll be an UpWork expert by the end of this course. I’ll teach you how to:

– Identify your ONE thing.

– Build your personal brand.

– Add a personal touch to interactions with potential clients.

Subscribe to latest coupons on our Telegram channel.

– Create an irresistible 3-tier proposal.

– Get potential clients to take you seriously.

– Achieve your financial goals.

– Budget for wealth.

A successful freelancing course is possible on UpWork. This advanced UpWork course teaches you how to get there. It’s the course that will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace with over 18 million freelancers.

Use the strategies you learn to not only attract better UpWork clients, but to also expand your freelance career. You can accomplish so much by actively applying the principles taught in this course.



Know Your ONE Thing

What Do You Want to be Known For?
Client Research
UpWork Job Research
Section Summary : Flow Charts

The Hook

Parts of a Winning Cover Letter
The Strategy Call
Sweeten the Deal with Additional Resources
Strategy Call Template

The Bait

Payment Structure
Crafting a 3-Tier Proposal
What Should You Expect?

Financial Management

Financial Goal-Setting for UpWork Freelancers
Setting Up Google Sheets to Budget for Wealth