A Proven Plan: The Complete Wealth Creation Bootcamp

CEO, Joe Correa, teaches you how to automate wealth by using his personal wealth creation formula

What you will learn

Learn a proven plan to build wealth like the wealthy do

Learn how to get paid to own stocks

Learn how the wealthy reduce their tax liability through corporations

Become more knowledgeable when it comes to your net worth

You will learn how to make your assets grow

Boost your passive income to create time wealth

You will learn how the wealthy use the power of compound interest

You will learn how to track your money over time


Making the decision to develop wealth and increase your income is a brilliant and practical decision that can change your financial life for good. Anyone can create wealth if they learn the wealth creation formula in this course!

In this practical course, you’ll learn the fundamental skills necessary to become wealthy and be able to use these skills to trade knowledge for money, instead of time for money. From how to create passive income to increasing the key ingredient that boosts wealth faster than anything else “your net worth”, these lectures are designed for any one who’s interested in following a proven plan to building wealth and changing their lives. With real world examples demonstrating exactly how anyone can start with very little and create a fortune, you’ll learn why the middle class will never be rich if they keep doing what they do and why the wealthy will only get wealthier by sticking to what works.

Main benefits of this course and of becoming wealthy:

– You’ll learn how to use compound interest to make over $1,000,000.

Learn how to own stocks for free without investing any money.

– Have more options to invest in (including Peer-to-peer lending, Selling cash covered puts, Tax lien certificates, REIT’s, etc.).

– Learn how to use different types of wealth calculators.

– You’ll learn how to make 17%+ returns.

– How investing as a corporation actually increases profits and reduces tax implications.

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– Why wealthy people track their net worth constantly and how you can do the same.

– Benefit from my “Personal Wealth Creation Formula”.

– Have more time and financial freedom to do what you want when you want.

This course was created for people who want to invest little to no money and for people who have money to invest and want to use it to generate passive income on a monthly or on an annual basis. If you’re ready for change and want to learn how successful people create wealth, get started with this course. If you want to have more, you need to become more. You need to know the best ways to pay off debt, increase your income, and invest in things that really bring profits and future success.

The first section of this course will take you through three increasingly important elements of wealth creation: how the middle class tries to create wealth vs how the wealthy create wealth, how money should flow to benefit your financial life, and how to become a millionaire working part-time. Besides that, you’ll learn how this course will pay for itself in a matter of days and how different types of financial calculators can show you how to go from middle class to making a fortune.

At the end of it all, you’ll have the knowledge and tools the wealthy have to make the best financial decisions and start building lasting wealth for you and your future generations to enjoy.

Your instructor

Joseph Correa is the founder and CEO of several top corporations in the U.S., having been a licensed investment advisor and owned an investment advisory firm in the past, he knows how wealth is created and what fundamental steps need to be taken to get there.




Your instructor and what you will learn
Why should you start this course?
Who is this course for?
Benefits of taking this course
How this course is organized
Why I use all types of financial calculators to explain how wealth is created
How this course can and will pay for itself
How money should flow to benefit your financial life
What’s the difference between being rich and being wealthy?
Middle class blueprint to wealth and the blueprint to lasting wealth
What are assets and how can I own them in order to increase my wealth?
What is cash flow and what are liabilities?
The end goal when choosing to become wealthy
How to become a millionaire by working part-time on your wealth
How to become a billionaire by working part-time on your wealth
How to become a trillionaire by working part-time on your wealth
What are absolute and relative income?


Can anyone become wealthy?
Who are the wealthy?
What do the wealthy focus on doing everyday?
To have more you need to become more
Do you need to be financially smarter?
Characteristics and financial skills of the wealthy
A quick interruption
Wealthy people vs the middle class
Who saves more, wealthy people or the middle class?
The law of spending
Why wealthy people don’t carry credit card balances?
Living off passive income vs living off a salary
Wealthy people own their home and why some governments promote home ownership
Renting vs owning
Rent vs buy calculator overview


The #1 secret to becoming wealthy
What are examples of assets and liabilities?
Ways to start building your net worth right now
Increasing your net worth through real estate
Increasing your net worth by getting paid to own stocks
Increasing your net worth by increasing your income
Increasing your net worth through your savings
Increasing your net worth by reducing your costs
Owning a business to increase your net worth
Increasing your net worth by receiving dividends
Ways to start building your net worth right now
Why is keep track of your net worth so important?
Tracking your net worth every month and using examples to follow
The process of tracking your net worth
Calculating your cash flow


Saving vs paying off debts
Learning to budget and the 50/30/20 rule
The 28/36 rule and the 50/50 rule
The snowball method, the avalanche method, and the debt lasso method
Debt consolidation loans and mortgage debt consolidation
Pay down your debt to make a 20% return and how credit card companies double up
Using a debt payoff calculator to pay off your debts
Making additional payments to debt goes a long way
Should you switch to a debit card once you pay off your debts
Is your car a good investment?
Debt payoff calculator


What are MSI’s?
Multiple sources of income that wealthy people commonly receive
What is earned income and what is interest income?
What is dividend income and what are capital gains?
What is profit income and what is rental income?
What is passive or residual income?
Profitable passive income investments that are often overlooked
Tax lien certificates: Uncommon income sources
Investing as a person or as a corporation
Tax lien certificate website
Selling cash secured puts and how it works
Getting paid to own stocks: Risks and benefits
Saving on fees with Robinhood Financial and getting free stocks
Starting a corporation to make investments in the stock market
Creating an account with Robinhood Financial
Diversyfund REIT investment overview
Prosper.com overview


Automating your savings to increase your net worth
Automating your expenses
Pay off debts by automating the process
Automating your investments
Automating your inheritance
Updating your automation process as you go
Never stop improving


Living below your pay check
Eliminating unnecessary expenses
What are some of the best ways to eliminate expenses?
The one thing you should be spending as much as possible on
Increase your savings and investments to reduce spending
Changing your mindset on spending
Amortization calculator


How I measure wealth
How I measure wealth and how to start creating more time wealth
My personal wealth creation formula
My personal wealth creation formula Income distribution
Make adjustments as you go
Why a portion of my income goes towards investing instead of saving
Why I invest heavily in passive income
Deciding to invest or not invest
What if you don’t know what to invest in?
Investing in small increments to reduce risk
Be flexible
Trust your gut feeling


Why is it important to diversify your assets?
Is it true you should never put all your eggs in one basket
Types of investments to reduce risk: Investment homes
Investing in gold and silver as an asset
Investing in stocks and bonds as an asset
Investing in commercial real estate as an asset
Is there a perfect investment?


Why is cash important?
Why do banks and lenders ask for your liquid investments
What are liquid assets and cash equivalents and the benefits of having cash?
When is it a bad time to have cash?


What is passive income and why is it so valuable?
How can I make passive income and types of passive income?
The importance of prioritizing
Interest income from a savings account
Interest income from a CD
Interest income from a money market account and from an annuity
Residential and commercial real estate rental income
Income from business profits, online income, and investing in yourself
Passive income should be one of your main goals


Becoming wealthy by keeping more of what you make
Employee vs being the business owner
W2 employee vs 1099 employee
The importance of incorporating your business and how businesses are taxed
Do I have to start a business and be successful?
What types of business entities exist and S-corps vs C-corps?
Planning your business expenses and reinvesting business profits


What is compound interest?
Let me help you with the numbers and numbers don’t lie
Why we’ll use a compound interest calculator and how compound interest works
What do all these calculations mean to you?
What if I only have $100 to invest and how to get to $1,000,000?
How to compensate for a lower interest rate
Do all compound interest calculators have the same result?
Why do some people pay compound interest and is it a form of passive income?
Is it better if interest compounds daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly?
How to calculate compound interest on a savings account and a CD
What’s the minimum interest rate I need to double my money in 30 years?
With $30 per month, what interest rate do I need to make 10x’s my investment?
With only $1,000 to invest, how fast can I double my money?
Start early and savings on debt paid off at 20%
In conclusion
Compound interest calculator overview