A 5-Day Limitless Journey of Crafting Your Life & Hustle

We’re inviting you to join us on an exciting journey to unlock your true potential. Are you ready to dive in?

What you will learn

Set clear personal & professional goals for income, time, & life direction.

Overcome mindset blocks & embrace full potential.

Find your “WHY” & craft powerful statements with AI tools.

Develop side hustles, create 90-day plans, & learn brand building.

Build daily gratitude & mindfulness habits for growth & resilience.


The Limitless Challenge Course Outline

A 5-day course designed to help you set goals, create a powerful vision, and develop potential side hustles! With a combination of mindset activities, grateful practices, and guided exercises, you’ll unlock your potential and take charge of your future. Plus, as a special bonus, you’ll receive tips on how to use Chat GPT to create a vision and “WHY” statements. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store:

Day 1: Welcome and Goal Setting

  • Introduction to the Limitless Challenge
  • Crafting Your Life: Set specific goals for your vision, income, and time commitment
  • Mindset Activity #1: EFT Tapping with Affirmations to boost confidence
  • Grateful Activity #1: Create a list of 10 things you’re grateful for

Day 2: Creating a Powerful Vision

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  • Overcoming Mindset Blocks: Identify and tackle limiting beliefs
  • Creating a Powerful Vision: Visualize your future success
  • EXTRA: Use Chat GPT to create a clear vision statement
  • Mindful Activity #2: Wim Hof Breathing for relaxation and focus
  • Grateful Activity #2: The Special Rock for daily gratitude practice

Day 3: The Power of Purpose & Meditation

  • Finding Your “WHY”: Discover the driving force behind your goals
  • EXTRA: Use Chat GPT to create your unique “WHY” statement
  • Mindful Activity #3: Guided Meditation Practice for inner peace and clarity
  • Grateful Activity #3: 100 Steps of Gratefulness for a gratitude boost

Day 4: Explore and Develop Potential Side Hustles

  • Developing Ideas for Your Side Hustle: Brainstorm and choose the perfect side hustle
  • Mindset Activity #4: Morning Mobility Exercise for increased energy and focus
  • Grateful Activity #4: Three Magnificent Outcomes for daily appreciation

Day 5: Creating a 90 Day Action Plan

  • Creating Your Action Plan: Develop a comprehensive 90-day plan for your side hustle
  • Mindset Activity #5: Power of Cold Therapy for resilience and mental clarity
  • Grateful Activity #5: Creating a “Magic Check” for abundance and prosperity
  • Thank You & OTO: Celebrate your achievements and discover our special offer for continued growth and support

Join us on this life-changing journey, and take advantage of this incredible, cost-free opportunity to elevate your mindset, set clear goals, and embark on the path to success!



Day 1: Welcome & Goal Setting

Introduction Of The Limitless Challenge
Crafting Your Lift
Mindset Activity #1 – EFT Tapping w/ Affirmations
Grateful Activity #1 – Creating A List
Day 1 Review

Day 2: Creating A Powerful Vision

Overcoming Mindset Blocks
Creating A Powerful Vision
EXTRA: Using Chat GPT To Create Vision Statement
Mindful Activity #2 – WIM HOF Breathing
Grateful Activity #2 – The Special Rock

Day 3: The Power of Purpose & Meditation

Finding Your “WHY”
EXTRA: Using Chat GPT To Create Your “WHY” Statement
Mindful Activity #3 – Meditation Practice
Grateful Activity #3 – 100 Steps of Gratefulness

Day 4: Explore and Develop Potential Side Hustles

Developing Ideas For Your Side Hustle
Grateful Activity #4 – Three Magnificent Outcomes

Day 5: Creating a 90 Day Action Plan

Creating Action Plan
Grateful Activity $5 – Creating A “Magic Check”
Thank You & OTO