2024 Data Structures Using Python

Master Data Structures in Python: Unlock the Power of Efficient Programming!

What you will learn

Beginner programmers: Those who have a basic understanding of Python and programming concepts but want to enhance their knowledge of data structures.

Intermediate programmers: Individuals who are familiar with Python and have some experience with data structures but want to strengthen their understanding

Computer science students: Students studying computer science or related fields who need to learn about data structures as part of their curriculum.

Software developers: Professionals working in the software development industry who want to improve their understanding of data structures

Self-learners: Individuals with a strong interest in programming and data structures who are motivated to learn on their own


Are you ready to take your Python programming skills to the next level? Enhance your understanding of data structures and unleash the true potential of Python with our comprehensive course on mastering data structures.

In this hands-on course, you will dive deep into the world of data structures and learn how to effectively implement them using Python. Whether you’re a beginner looking to solidify your programming fundamentals or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, this course is designed to cater to your needs.

What sets this course apart is its practical approach. You’ll not only gain a solid theoretical foundation but also apply your knowledge through numerous coding exercises and real-world examples. By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm grasp of various data structures, their functionalities, and efficient implementation techniques.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

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  1. Explore foundational data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and hash tables.
  2. Master advanced data structures like trees, heaps, graphs, and their traversal algorithms.
  3. Learn how to choose the right data structure for different scenarios.
  4. Solve challenging coding problems using data structures and algorithms.
  5. Gain practical experience through hands-on coding exercises and projects.
  6. Discover best practices for designing efficient and scalable programs.

Whether you aspire to build robust software applications, excel in technical interviews, or enhance your problem-solving skills, this course will equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to succeed.

Join a vibrant community of learners, engage in discussions, and receive personalized support from our experienced instructors. Get ready to harness the power of data structures and revolutionize your Python programming journey.

Enroll now and embark on a transformative learning experience that will pave the way to becoming a confident and proficient Python programmer.

Let’s unlock the power of efficient programming together!

Happy Coding !!



BONUS SECTION : Quck Review on Python Basics

Conditionals & If statement
If statement example
If else statement
Example for If else statement
Elif Statement
Example for Elif Statement
Nested if statement
Example for Nested if statement
While loop
While loop to count the digits in a given number
While loop to display multiplication table
For loop
Displaying numbers using for loop
Break and Continue statement
Finding Sum of first 10 numbers
Finding Sum of digits in a given number

Arrays in Python

Creating and Displaying 1D Arrays
Accessing 1D Arrays
Searching in 1D Arrays
Insertion in 1D Arrays
Deletion in 1D Arrays
Updating in 1D Arrays
Accessing 2D Arrays
Insertion Operation in 2D Arrays
Deletion Operation in 2D Arrays
Update Operation in 2D Arrays

Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries in Python

Accessing Elements & Searching Element in a List
Working with Operators on Lists
Indexing and Slicing in Lists
Working with List Methods
List Comprehension
Finding Maximum and Minimum Element in a List
Tuple Indexing and Slicing
Manipulating Tuples
Unpacking Tuples
Basics of Dictionary
Accessing dictionary elements
Working with dictionary
Understanding Sets in Python


Functions in python
Example program1 on functions
Example program2 on functions
Example program3 on functions

Linked Lists

Basics of Linked lists
Inserting an Element in a Linked List
Searching an Element in a Linked List
Finding Middle Element in a Linked List
Checking whether two given Linked Lists are Identical or not ?
Finding maximum value in a Linked list
Deleting the Linked List


Understanding Stacks
Implementing Stacks in Python
Implementing Stacks Using Lists with built-in methods in Python
Implementing Stacks Using Collections-dequeue in Python
Implementing Stacks Using Queue-Lifo Queue in Python
Linked List Implementation of Stacks in Python
Stack Application: Balanced Parenthesis
Using Stacks for Checking Balanced Parenthesis


Understanding Queues
Implementing Queues Using Lists with built-in methods in Python
Implementing Queues Using Collections-dequeue in Python
Implementing Queues using queue module in Python
Implementing Queues Using LinkedLists
Circular Queues


Tree Terminology
Defining Binary Tree and Complete Binary Tree
Representation of a Binary Tree
Binary Tree Traversals
How to Implement Inorder Traversal in Python ?
How to Implement Pre-order Traversal in Python ?
How to Implement Post-order Traversal in Python ?
How to Implement Height of a Binary Tree in Python ?
Sum of Elements in a Binary Tree

Binary Search Trees

Definition of BST with Example
Search operation in BST
Inserting a node in BST
Creating a BST


Basics of graphs
Adjacency Matrix Representation
Adjacency List Representation

Coding Assessments

Problem Statement on Arrays/Lists
Problem Statement on Linked Lists
Problem Statement on Stacks
Problem Statement on Trees and BST